Overeating from what!?

I tend to eat, eat, and eat. As a result, Ive gained 7 lbs since the new year. Not much, sure, but its unnecessary. This past weekend I caught myself eating anything and everything in sight. Why? Am I lacking nutrients? What foods can I eat to satisfy my hunger?


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    1st, checked out your diary, there's nothing in it...why?
    2nd, why are you set to only eat 1000 calories/daily?
    3rd, are you hungry, or is it the food is there so you eat it? Or are you bored, lonely, sad, happy, etc?
    4th, what are you eating when you over-eat? Some foods trigger hunger more than others. For example, I eat oatmeal and I'm good to go all morning. I eat a banana and I want everything in my snack drawer at work!

    My advice, start logging EVERYTHING. Figure out your BMR and TDEE and don't net under your BMR (what your body needs to live if you were in coma). Be consistent with your daily calories for more than 2 weeks, make little changes in what you eat if you see yourself losing control. Eat more protein, less carbs and less processed foods.