Ready to make an entrance

Good morning MFPer. My name is Jess. I am an almost 34 year old stay at home mama in Central Illinois. I have been overweight for most of my life (save for the summer before 8th grade when I decided to eat nothing but lemon yogurt) and never really disliked the way that I looked. I have always been into fashion, mainly vintage clothes, and would wear things that most people wouldn't dare to, all because I WANTED to. And I never felt like I looked silly or ridiculous. I am currently 274 lbs, and 5' 6". But I don't feel like I look that big. When I had my free consult with a trainer at my gym, he was genuinely surprised by the number. As was I.

One of the biggest reasons behind losing weight are jeans. Denim is, and always has been, the bane of my existence. I do not remember a time when I just walked into a regular store and bought a pair of jeans. And when I do find a store that carries my size, they are expensive, and crappy quality, and because of the price I can only buy one pair and they will fall victim to the dreaded chub-rub and WEAR OUT THE INNER THIGHS!

As far as food is concerned, I don't believe it to be the problem. I love to cook. From scratch. I like to know where my food is coming from. I eat seasonally as much as possible. I eat normal portions. My plate is pretty balanced. MFP has made me a bit more accountable for what's going into my body, but I don't make choices that I wouldn't already be making due to logging it in. Like, I don't forgo the cake because I am going add it to my diary. I just never wanted the cake in the first place.

I know that my body has gotten to its current state by leading a sedentary lifestyle. I've never been a gym member. Until a month ago. I now go at 3 times a week and walk quickly on the treadmill. For at least an hour. On my off days, I'm working in some core training at home (with my balance ball, resistance bands, 5 lb weights). I have lost 8 lbs, but after reading up a bit on here, I'm not sure that pounds are what I should be shooting or. Or, at least, the only thing. I'm thinking of weight training, but will admit that I am intimidated and have no idea where to start.

I don't have a goal weight, persay. I know that i need to lose weight to be healthy. But mainly, I want to transform the way that my body looks without losing all sense of myself. I do not want to be "skinny". I want to walk into the same store as my sister and buy a pair of jeans. And look good in them.

I am logging my food and excercising every day. I am open to any ideas regarding fitness. I am dedicated to this cause.


  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    Add me if you would like , were all here for the same reason ,so let's support each other