My Diary-advice

kgj66 Posts: 22 Member
Hi all, i have been on MFP but only recently looked at this forum section and the info available is amazing!
Really what i am looking for is a kick up the backside! I went travelling all summer and put on a stone and a half?!?! Have been back since October and since December have been trying to watch my food and exercise more. I lost half a stone very quickly but have been stuck at 11stone since January :(.

I know I need to exercise more- it's finding the time, I have a very busy lifestyle and am usually not home until 9pm, and that's without the gym. However, am going to start walking at lunch time, and going for a run at the stables where my horse is now that the nights are lighter. I suppose I could go before work- but it's so hard to get out bed!

Not a big meat eater- takes too much time so I rarely meet recommended protein- any tips? I try so hard to snack healthily with lots of veg, as I find if I try to stick to 3 meals a day I end up gorging!

Any tips on low calorie dinners that are very quick to make, or make in advance? I hate cooking for myself, and am fully aware that when I start to do this I will be eating better, but at the minute my lifestyle does not permit it. I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago basically by only eating cereal - it worked, but I realise now just how unhealthy this was. I have also been diagnosed with a B12 deficiency so really need to get the right vitamins to stop feeling so lethargic all the time.

Any help appreciated, thanks.


  • fabulara
    fabulara Posts: 94 Member
    Speaking to the protein question: I also find I am frequently under the recommended intake. I am making a few small changes that seem to help:

    1. including protein in snacks or desserts--fruit smoothies with milk or yogurt and fruit.

    2. having bean or other legume soups for lunch i(black bean, lentil, split pea) nstead of vwgetable soupls like minestrone or tomato.

    3. having eggs for breakfast now and then.

    If you aren't a big meat eater, what about fish? When I'm in a hurry, I sometimes just open a can of tuna.

    Good luck! I like your veggie snacks!!
  • kgj66
    kgj66 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks- the bean soups are a really good idea as I love beans! I did have a desire for eggs last week, so brought some hard boiled ones into work for a snack, didn't think about them being good for protein!

    I do like meat- it just takes longer to cook then some things. Only fish I really like is salmon and mackerel, which I try to have sometimes.

    Thank you
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member

    So you definitely need more protein. They always say 1g/lb lean body mass approximately (I know there will be people attacking this number, but it's just a guide). I am about 140lb and aim for 100g each day. I achieve this by having eggs, salmon (fresh), protein soymilk, tofu etc. I don't get any of this from red meats, I don't like red meat much either (I love pork though... however I am aware of a lot of research which how bad red meat really is for you and I get the nutrients elsewhere).

    I cook all my meals. Yes, cooked breakfast lunch AND dinner. I find that cooking a salmon fillet with sautéed veggies on the side such as bean sprouts and spinach takes only 5-10minutes and tastes restaurant quality. Or you could put a sweet potato in some foil (whole) and bake it in the oven while you get up to something else (so sweet, like dessert!). Experiment, work with whole foods and don't alter the foods too much if possible! Tinned beans are always an easy addition to salad (be sure to rinse) with some tinned tuna... yum yum and high protein and super healthy!

    You seem to snack a lot, but eat lots of GOOD snacks which is great :) If you up your protein your hunger will disappear (that is what I found in only a couple of weeks having protein shakes). I have heard about the aim to have 30g protein with breakfast alone. Achieving this actually stopped me from being hungry for 4hours after breakfast. Like you, I used to have oats at breakfast (but real oats, not packaged instant ones!) and I would be hungry only 90 minutes later.

    Remember, when you do start exercising include some strength training, and be sure to have a protein shake afterwards :)

    Good luck!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Thanks- the bean soups are a really good idea as I love beans! I did have a desire for eggs last week, so brought some hard boiled ones into work for a snack, didn't think about them being good for protein!

    I do like meat- it just takes longer to cook then some things. Only fish I really like is salmon and mackerel, which I try to have sometimes.

    Thank you

    aah, salmon and horse mackerel sashimi are my FAVOURITE! I eat them weekly :D

    edit: spelling
  • kgj66
    kgj66 Posts: 22 Member