Not eating because I don't get the calorie deficit HELP!!!



  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    2 lbs a week is just under 1kg. Run with that, it's easier.
  • someonelikemyself
    I agree! i mean it's not like i will go to bed starving i just want to feel ok and if i eat back my exercise cals it will take me forever to lose the weight, and i'm the type that needs to SEE results weekly or else i'll quit i don't even have the support of my family (foodwise) they eat oily food they're not fat but for a person with this calorie goal i can't eat like them. I LOVED the calculator thanks a lot!
  • someonelikemyself
    Yes i see your point, but my goal is to lose that weight by july! or end of june so i don't have much time. Thank you!
  • someonelikemyself
    Thanks! that makes sense but i'm just focusing on keeping my calories low (but feeling full) i don't want to feel hungry i will listen to my body if i feel so tired or hungry i will definitely eat back the cals :)
  • someonelikemyself
    You're right i will stick to 2 lbs i almost forgot that a kg is 2.2 lbs lol
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    It depends, on what you are doing. Some eat to lose weight, less intake, some, like me, want to do eat right and advanced exercise to get to our goals quickly. It just depends.


    I'm using the successor to the Harris-Benedict Equation, the Miller St. Jeor Equation. I'm also using the Beachbody modifier of 1.55 for moderate exercise, and then subtracting 500 k/cal from that to get my daily intake total.
  • nathanielsmom01
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Ok i calculated and it says my goal is 1200 and i would lose 1.3 lb! i want 2!! :( what i need someone to explain to me, is what if i worked out do i eat all my exercise cals or just eat 1200. ?!

    lol you wont consistently lose 2lbs each week. Weight loss is not linear.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I'm going to chime in because I can...K.I.S.S portion it out dont worry about the calories worry about the amount. It's been working for me so far.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    >>>>>IMPORTANT!!! To get your numbers right please visit---> <---read the instructions. I lay everything out to help you have a true fat burning diet.<<<<<<<

    This one is even better:
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Ok i calculated and it says my goal is 1200 and i would lose 1.3 lb! i want 2!! :( what i need someone to explain to me, is what if i worked out do i eat all my exercise cals or just eat 1200. ?!

    lol you wont consistently lose 2lbs each week. Weight loss is not linear.

    You can't FORCE a specific amount of weight loss (except maybe surgically).

    Smaller people (close to goal) have smaller daily calorie requirements. Smaller people can ONLY have smaller calorie deficits......

    Example ..... let's say your daily calorie requirement for maintaining your current weight was 1,700 (sedentary) per day.

    1,700 x 7 (week) = 11,900 ..... to loss 2 pounds requires .... 7,000 calorie defict or 4,900 calories left for the week.

    4,900 divide by 7 = 700 calories each day. The PROBLEM with that is basic bodily function requires at least 1200 ..... heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. ......

    Yes - you will lose weight - but your body will get nutrition where ever it can - by catabolizing muscle tissue.