I am an addict...

to carbs and salt (any sodium really, and i LOVE garlic salt on EVERYTHING)
anyone else have a passion for one or both of these things? how do you not overdo it without depriving yourself?
i used to eat a nice pasta meal probably 4-5x a week. not to mention ramen noodles all through my college years (which are carbs AND sodium!)


  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    Me too. I could care less about chocolate and sweets. I want chips and steak and olives, lol. Honestly at this point as long as I stay under my calories I don't worry about it. I know that this is something I will need to address one day but I'm doing well to focus on my calories for now.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    Just try cutting back rather than cutting it out. I LOVE garlic as well and have switched to using garlic powder and a tiny bit of regular salt instead of garlic salt. Pasta isn't too bad either. Just watch your portions. You could also try whole wheat pasta or even spaghetti squash or tofu noodles. I know those may not foot the bill for you, but may be worth a try. You can still have the pasta, just cut back.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    to carbs and salt (any sodium really, and i LOVE garlic salt on EVERYTHING)
    anyone else have a passion for one or both of these things? how do you not overdo it without depriving yourself?
    i used to eat a nice pasta meal probably 4-5x a week. not to mention ramen noodles all through my college years (which are carbs AND sodium!)

    have you tried just adding garlic powder and see if it still tastes good enough?
  • i bought garlic powder a few years back and hated it, however i may try that again to get the garlic taste without the salt.
    maybe my palate has matured enough for me to enjoy this now :)

    also, what is pasta squash?? (i think that's what it was called--i can't see the post now that i'm typing this)
  • EmiBun
    EmiBun Posts: 84 Member
    Spaghetti squash. When baked and opened it shreds into noodle shapes. Like long shredded carrots... But squash! It's not bad :)