Anyone studied abroad, or going to?



  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    I studied abroad in Switzerland for 4 months and actually lost quite a bit of weight there. Ate chocolate and bread every day, but not too much. I also cooked a lot of veggies when I'm making my own meals. As with you having no options to cook and eating home stay food, I would just say enjoy it, try everything but just keep appropriate portions!
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    Most people lose weight when studying abroad because they are more active and eating smaller portions.

    Bit of a generalisation!! Why would being abroad make you more active or eat less??

    I studied in Spain for a year and put on weight despite lots of walking. I was drinking more alcohol than before and eating out a lot too. Obviously enjoy all the new food but don't go overboard and try and get an idea of what the thinner people are eating!