Need some ideas!

My husband and I just started working with the MyFitness Pal app... And we need some ideas for food. Recipes? Good (and quick) snacks? What are some 0 calorie snacks to grab on the go...?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    0 calorie snacks? Ummm...water? Gnawing on iceberg lettuce is probably close to 0 calories. Other than that, food has calories. It is the nature of food. There are some scary food-like products that claim to have no calories (spray butter, for instance) but those items are more lab experiment than food.

    For recipe inspiration:

    Healthy snacks:

    Plain yogurt (mix in your own fruit, nuts, etc.)
    Nuts (measured serving)
    Carrots (or any veg) and hummus
    Celery, apple, or banana and peanut butter