I need help losing an average of 1.5 lbs a week

i'm an 18 year old girl i'm 5'2 & weigh 144 lb i'm not really fat but i have extra fat in places like my stomach & back.
I know the safe amount of fat loss a week is 1-2lbs & anything more is water weight or muscle.

I dont care if the scale say 160lbs if i look fit then thats all that matters.

I use the mfp app to track my foods only by I decided to use the entire bmr & tdee method of losing weight.

I'm usually lightly active such as just walking around the house so that's not considered sedentary.

my bmr is 1488 with light activity my tdee is 1934.5, by cutting 500 cals i can lose 1lb but it ends up going under my bmr so i cut 20% meaning i should eat 1548 calories a day. I understand that in order to lose i have to eat between my bmr and tdee.

I want to up by weight loss to 1.5lbs instead of 1lb, does this mean i have to eat more b/c this is what i understand by not moving around & cutting calories too low im depriving my body so i need to excercise & when you excercise your body needs more calories which means more calories to cut.

So now that i added excercise to 5 days a week i am now moderately active i do 2 sets of 20 bicycle crunches, squats & reverse situps also a cardio circuit for 30 mins. This mean my tdee is now at 2232 but instead i cut a little more than 20% so i have to eat 1750 calories with my exercise which burns 250 calories, giving me a deficit of of 730.

my question is did i do my calculations right by eating more & exercising more in order to lose more weight, i feel 2lbs a week would be too hard and that 1/2 lb will make a difference to me because over the course of 4 weeks instead of 4lbs lost it will be 6lbs.

Also one last question by cutting 20% is it equal to 1lb i know 500 cals cut a day will add up to 3500 in a week which is a lb but i just want to know cause i hear ppl say they are losing weight by just cutting 20% off their tdee
