

  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Sugar is certainly not good, but it's not bad enough to cut it from your diet... especially when you consider fruits are full of sugar!

    Sugar is not the enemy. Fat is not the enemy. Nothing is the enemy. That's not a healthy way to think about food! There are no "enemies" except your cravings. You need to work with all nutrients and all ingredients to hit your goals for the day. You need to make sure you don't get too many calories, but also make sure you get enough. You want enough fats, you want enough protein. You want carbs. Sugar is fine as long as it fits in and isn't excessive.

    There are no demons. There's no evil nutrient. There's nothing you need to get rid of that's the key to weight loss. It's all about working with food in a healthy way, not demonizing certain types of food.

    Fruit sugar (or fructose to give it's proper name) is naturally occurring sugar, and completely unprocessed. Sugar that you buy at the supermarket is totally refined, and has every scrap of nutrition removed from it. Everything in moderation may not be the enemy, don't forget that the caveman grew up reliant on fruits, berries and whatever they could catch. What they didn't do was dump 10 teaspoons of refined sugar in their river water when they wanted a drink, or sprinkle it over the wild boar they had caught that morning. Excessive sugar in the diet, and particularly spikes of sugar in the blood causes havoc with the body's chemistry, sending insulin levels rocketing. In the short term it leads to the cravings for sugar to maintain a constant level in the blood. In the long term it leads to obesity and diabetes, as well a other related diseases.

    Moderation is the key; several sugar loaded sodas per day is not moderation. Several chocolate bars a day is not moderation..... Te list goes on. You can get all the sugar you need from a sensible diet based on unprocessed food. Sugar loaded chocolate, drinks,, sweets, cake, breakfast cereals et al are treats and should be treated as such - assuming that you want to loose some weight!!