Dealing with neighborhood litter on your walk

Do you walk down your roads that are littered with trash thrown out on both sides. It's hard to imagine people that see our neighborhoods as trash cans. But it does happen. This is for all those people. It took me only a couple of walks with my husband when I realized that maybe I should try to pick up some as I walked. I began with just some grocery bags using them as a glove. I quickly found that 2 bags weren't enough. I then asked my husband where his pick up gadget was and decided to use it. I also took a 13 gallon trash bag with me. I quickly found that this bag was over flowing by the time I walked 1/2 of my road on both sides. Yes it did slow down my walk but I did stay longer and did a lot of reaching and bending. I hope that many of you don't have to deal with this but for those who do I challenge you to take an opportunity to pick up in your neighborhood. Also I would like to hear from others their thoughts or ideas on this topic.


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I run along roads in a semi-rural area and the amount of trash is drepessing. :(
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    It's disgusting and hard to imagine that people still do it. The amount is pretty low where I walk(when I do walk). Thank you for being part of the solution.