Dr. Charles Livingston- scam artist and total scumbag

"Dr Charles Livingston Won’t Talk To Us About Spam Promoting His Diet Program To Anorexic Teenagers
Posted on January 10, 2013 - losingweightnobull****.wordpress.com"

I did some clicking around and discovered that Dr Charles Livingston is actually a real live human being, not just a cartoon character. So I started to feel a bit bad about all of my posts here about how his product the Fat Loss Factor Diet Actively Markets Towards Anorexic Teenagers [ see: (http://loseweightnobull****.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/fat-loss-factor-spam-on-pinterest-and-tumblr-latest-developments/ ) ]

So I thought I would politely make contact and offer a chance to explain the controversy that has been going on. [See the losingweightnobull**** blog for comment] My post on his facebook page had about 40 “likes” plus another about 10 likes on a comment another user posted also asking for an explanation. You would have thought it was a good opportunity for an official statement on the situation, perhaps a public apology and affirmation of the importance of proper nutrition for physical and mental health.

Honestly if he had done this and perhaps said something like “unfortunately we have had some rogue marketers involved with our product, we are now examining our business model and will be taking measures to ensure this never happens again”, I would have eased up on him.

But he didn’t do any of that.


Comment deleted, no response. True to form. No different from his scum bag marketers he uses to distance himself from the disgustingly unethical business tactics his product relies upon.

Here is Buzzfeed’s report on how Fat Loss Factor Diet Program Targets Anorexic Teens, and also Blisstree’s coverage of Fat Loss Factor Pro Anorexia Ads.

Buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/online-diet-program-targets-anorexic-teens
Blisstree: http://www.blisstree.com/2013/01/08/food/fat-loss-factor-pro-ana-ads/

This is his facebook page:


NOTE: This is written by weightlossnobull****.wordpress.com and I don't have any affiliation with them, I just wanted to share. What a total scumbag.

sources -
1. [ http://loseweightnobull****.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/dr-charles-livingston-wont-talk-to-us-about-spam-promoting-his-diet-program-to-anorexic-teenagers/ ]
2. [ http://loseweightnobull****.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/fat-loss-factor-spam-on-pinterest-and-tumblr-latest-developments/ ]
3. [ http://www.buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/online-diet-program-targets-anorexic-teens ]
4. [ http://www.blisstree.com/2013/01/08/food/fat-loss-factor-pro-ana-ads/ ]
