RANT about the "skinny fat" body shaming on here.



  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    a "skinny fat" person is someone who has a very low bmi, but a high body fat percentage.
    you're not skinny fat. 135 lbs at 5'1 actually make you mildly overweight for your height.

    ^^This. I'm 5'2" and I'm overweight at 135 and it's not skinny fat, it's plain fat. People told me I looked fine at 135 but looking at pictures now I can see I was anything but fine. I guess it depends where you're coming from. My daughter in law is 240 and thought I was skinny at 135, my nieces are about 90 lbs soaking wet and thought I was fat. Bottom line is, who cares what other people think? Do what makes you happy.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I think you were misinterpreting what people were saying. Most were saying things like how gorgeous you looked or:

    "There is absolutely nothing wrong with your body. You are at a healthy weight, and you have a normal amount of body fat for a girl your age. Some people when using the term skinny fat, are talking about your body type, but then when an actual person posts a pic of themselves, then they all say you look great. "

    You really are quite lean. I'd look at these photos for some examples of skinny fat.

    With that said... If you want to go into a cut phase and lose some of your body fat to look leaner - then great! Absolutely go for it! No one on MFP will attack you for that!

    Or perhaps you managed to take a really flattering photo of yourself - If that's the case, then cool (and it sucks that you are skinny fat)! Bulk up some muscle and then go into a cut phase to add muscle mass and lose body fat.

    But based on that 1 photo you posted, you were definitely not in the skinny fat category. Perhaps in the - I'd like to cut body fat and increase muscle mass group. I think that's what people were trying to get at...

    Thanks for your input.

    I didn't make this post to sound like I'm offended about comments as if they're a personal attack on me. I wanted to speak on behalf of folks that have bodies like mine, and shed some light on the issue. :)
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    When I say "skinny fat" I am referring to the body that is at a goal weight but no lean muscles. Thats skinny fat. Someone who is thin but jiggly. We all have different perceptions for what is attractive. I personally dont think it is, so I dont want to be that. You cant get mad at others' opinions. Also, you say your thin, but 5"1' and 134 is not thin. Since you put out your post Im just being honest.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    hmm..i didnt expect this.

    Good luck on your quest for self improvement.

    If you ever want to talk heavy lifting and how it helped my body, hit me up.

    i started this at 40, and cant believe the difference it has made in my body.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Can you imagine the backlash if people were to go ewwwwww over someone's "normal fat" photos. Not on.

  • baotzu
    baotzu Posts: 28
    I still think a lot of people don't really get what "skinny fat" even means. Maybe it would be easier to just call it "internal" fat instead b/c that's what it is.

    External fat is what we can see, what people are calling "normal fat." It's what makes your pants size go up/down.
    Internal fat is what you can't see, what people are calling "skinny fat." It's what coats your organs and impairs their performance.

    No, that's not what it is at all. You couldn't be further from the truth.
    a "skinny fat" person is someone who has a very low bmi, but a high body fat percentage.

    This is the definition of skinnyfat. This is exactly it. Nothing more, nothing less.. any other definition is wrong. Period.
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    The people who have been derogative and not constructive ("ewww" - i mean really?) Will be by no means perfect themselves. Remeber that.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    When I say "skinny fat" I am referring to the body that is at a goal weight but no lean muscles. Thats skinny fat. Someone who is thin but jiggly. We all have different perceptions for what is attractive. I personally dont think it is, so I dont want to be that. You cant get mad at others' opinions. Also, you say your thin, but 5"1' and 134 is not thin. Since you put out your post Im just being honest.

    Actually, I am thin with clothes on :) I know that better than anyone else, because I have my body.

    And I CAN be mad when other people make comments that are not productive or helpful to people going through struggles with their weight and health on a forum like this.
  • calisunrise
    a "skinny fat" person is someone who has a very low bmi, but a high body fat percentage.
    you're not skinny fat. 135 lbs at 5'1 actually make you mildly overweight for your height.

    There is a lot of different opinions on what skinny fat means, so I'm happy to drop that label. Generally, my body looks thin and slender, and my dress size is pretty small. What I'm saying is that this can be deceiving and has nothing to with anyone's health.

    The second point I make is that just because someone isn't very heavy, doesn't mean their experience is any less significant :smile:
    well, do you have any photos of yourself dressed?
    i don't think size 6-8 is small for a 5'1 female too. actually, most size charts put 6-8 as a size for a 5'5-5'7 lady:

  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    I get you! With the right pair of underwear and jeans, I have a flat tummy. I could fool anyone! (I have become quite a pro at it). People can be rude. Anyone that is on MFP has a reason. For most people that reason is to get healthier. No matter if you weigh 300+ lbs or 110 lbs, healthy is the goal. I wish everyone would remember that. In todays day and age it is extremely hard to be healthy. Everywhere you look is a fast food place. Hell, healthy foods are even more expensive than the not healthy foods. It doesn't matter how much or little you weigh, being healthy is hard. People really need to remember that.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    a "skinny fat" person is someone who has a very low bmi, but a high body fat percentage.
    you're not skinny fat. 135 lbs at 5'1 actually make you mildly overweight for your height.

    There is a lot of different opinions on what skinny fat means, so I'm happy to drop that label. Generally, my body looks thin and slender, and my dress size is pretty small. What I'm saying is that this can be deceiving and has nothing to with anyone's health.

    The second point I make is that just because someone isn't very heavy, doesn't mean their experience is any less significant :smile:
    well, do you have any photos of yourself dressed?
    i don't think size 6-8 is small for a 5'1 female too. actually, most size charts put 6-8 as a size for a 5'5-5'7 lady:


    I am really reluctant to justify how "thin" I am on here, because that is actually irrelevant to the discussion.

    But I'll try to find something. <- Actually, editing this out.

    No, I don't care if you think I'm not thin. I'm not posting a photo to prove myself. You have your opinion, that's fine :smile:

    It doesn't really matter what I look like, but the reality of my situation is that everyone who can SEE what I look like, says I am thin. Very rarely do people understand that I have a problem, apart from some of the wonderful supportive people on here! :heart:
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I posted my picture and my experience, and a lot of people said I have self esteem issues.

    Are you really saying that because my body is not visibly what society thinks of as "overweight", that I have mental issues instead? That I have a psychological problem or body dysmorphia? That is so discouraging, negative, and extremely annoying.
    Wouldn't that be the opposite of body shaming?
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    I wouldnt post a photo. You dont have to prove anything.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I wouldnt post a photo. You dont have to prove anything.

    Thank you.
  • Ruthannlandsman
    I understand what you are saying. Im in the same boat. Dont let all those negative vibes get to you. Keep up the good work!! Its all worth it in the end!!
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    I'm five foot 1 and weigh around 140ish...overweight and not that toned.....but you know what....I think I look great and don't give a fiddlers **** what people think....stop worrying about others and just crack on with what you want to acheive....best of luck....x
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    I wouldnt post a photo. You dont have to prove anything.

    Thank you.

    Everyone carries weight differently. You know if you look slim :)
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I sorta wish we could stop all of the body/weight/lifting/slut/gender/preference shaming in general, but the internets are where shaming comes to breed. Find a good group of pals and just remember that it's super easy for people to be crappy anonymously.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You tell it, lady! :) I can understand the frustration. There needs to be a lot less judgment out here and a lot more support. :) Good luck meeting your goals. You'll get it done. It's hard when people look at you and assume that you're healthy based on how you look. Isn't always the case. I also think of people with disabilities that aren't visible to the naked eye as the same type of thing... don't judge until you know.

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think the issue is that many people assume a body that looks relatively good (especially in clothes) must also be relatively healthy.

    You can't really blame them for that - even the medical community can't reach a consensus on what a healthy body would definitively look like.

    MFP is simply an extension of the real world not Narnia...