Munchies while Studying

Does anybody else have trouble with this. Whenever I sit down to study I want to munch away. I try to find healthy snacks, but I was just wondering, if anyone else had creative ideas!


  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Air popped popcorn... yum :) or something you need to use utensils for... then it takes longer 'cause you can't just reach over and grab it you have to focus on it, which when you're studying you won't do as much.... dry cereal (careful there, though!), smoothies... berries, nuts (be careful again)...
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    so many easy options
    chew gum
    drink water or sparkling ice
    greek yogurt
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    One of the things that worked for me was to pre-measure snacks into single serving baggies. A lot harder to overeat if you have to open a new bag to get to the next serving.

    Some of my go-to low cal snacks when I'm bored are wasabi peas, grapes, baby carrots, frozen blueberries. Anything small that I can eat one at a time, really, since the munchies are usually more about keeping my hands occupied.
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I used to stress eat whenever I was on a conference call at work--Cheetos, Goldfish (the cracker, not the sea creature), M&Ms--I switched to grapes, sliced bell peppers, baby carrots, sunflower seeds, popcorn. Now, I find that I really don't need to stress-snack that much anymore. Mental shift I guess.