C25K, 30 Day Shred, and Zumba...oh my!

So last week I made a few changes...
I completely gave up soda including diet, I gave up fast food such as mcds, bk, etc. subway is still ok :) I also began working out about 6 days a week. Day 1, 3, 5 were with my 30 Day Shred DVD at home-while days 2, 4, 6 were running with my C25K app at tr gym and two of those days I followed by swimming some laps. Ontop of all of this, I have also been using MFP. I weighed myself Friday just to see where I was at an saw I gain 1/2lb to 1lb. What?! Well I suppose it's ok because I'm probably gaining muscle and also could be some water weight. I just really hope I start to see some sore of difference soon :) I'm not going to give up--I feel GREAT after I work out :) today I joined a Zumba class for 45min! That was a blast.


  • eb12112
    I love Zumba! Don't give up - remember the scale is only ONE way of measuring!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Congratulations! you are doing great. Keep it up. i am doing 30DS and C25K too and while I have some weeks where I don't lose anything the weight is slowly coming off. It does work!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    You aren't gaining muscle.. It's very difficult and none of those programs are conducive to it. But you are probably retaining water weight to repair your muscles. Also, I would suggest incorporating more weight training to improve muscle retention. Use zumba or c25k as your cardio. You will see much greater changes in body composition with a good weight training program.
  • lolly2721
    lolly2721 Posts: 56 Member
    It sounds like you will be ok. Just be careful that you don't workout too much too fast so you don't burn out. This happened to me. I was running (using the C210K app) 3 times a week, doing tae kwon do 6 hours a week and then followed up by another 3 hours of Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. I took Saturday and Sunday off. I burned out pretty quickly.

    I gained some weight at first as I was drinking a ton more water but started to lose it quickly after that. I then had an injury and couldn't keep up the workouts I was doing. I managed to gain back some of the weight I lost because I couldn't keep burning the calories like I was before. I am slowly able to start working out again and the weight is coming off again but in a much slower fashion. I think that may be better for me.

    I have a feeling you will start dropping the weight. Just take care that you don't go overboard. Also, see if you can find some time to work in some weight training. If you are a member of a gym then see if one of the trainers can set up a weight training schedule for you.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Don't be too concerned with a weight increase. Muscles retain water to help repair all of the little tears so don't be surprised if you don't see the scale go down for a couple weeks. That happens to a lot of people, especially if they are incorporating strength training. If you are working out 6 days a week, i would make sure you do some strength training at 3 of those days. I started out being a cardio junkie, but since then i have have switched to lifting heavy and doing zumba a few times a week. I think that cardio is still important because of heart health, but you with torch fat if you do incorporate strength training.
  • FightTheFrump
    FightTheFrump Posts: 54 Member
    Don't worry. You're probably gaining some muscle, which weighs more than fat. If you stick with it--and you should--you'll start to get toner and your clothes will start to fit better. Then the scale will start giving you the lovely feedback for which you are working so hard.

    Making exercise fun is very smart. Being on MFP is another really brilliant move. Just stay focused and motivated and you'll start to see results. Really!
  • Mandy86Lee
    Mandy86Lee Posts: 33 Member
    You aren't gaining muscle.. It's very difficult and none of those programs are conducive to it. But you are probably retaining water weight to repair your muscles. Also, I would suggest incorporating more weight training to improve muscle retention. Use zumba or c25k as your cardio. You will see much greater changes in body composition with a good weight training program.

    I agree....also give your body at least 6 weeks to see a difference if you dont sooner..<3
  • AshleyMertes
    Thank you guys! I did MFP before but with no extra exercise and lost weight...but doing it the way I am I have so much energy and feel so happy after I do my workouts! Also, I do belong to a gym so I will definitely check into strength training. My birthday is in June-I would love to see results by then :) my husband is also helping me out alot...being aware of stuff that isn't healthy for me etc. (if anyone wants to follow me feel free)
  • AshleyMertes
    I love Zumba! Don't give up - remember the scale is only ONE way of measuring!!

    That's very true! Gotta look at inches too, and overall feeling healthier :)