Ladies around 5'11- what is your goal weight?



  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I went from 222 down to 180 (I've gained a bunch back since then) but the entire time I didn't change a pants size;( it's driving me crazy. I'm forever stuck in a size 16.

    Start picking up heavy things and putting them back down again. If you want sustained weight loss and body recomposition, you have to do lifting/resistance training. Focus on eating healthy and building lean muscle mass, and you'll get off the yo-yo wagon, for good.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Very interesting to see everyone goals!

    I'm 5'10" and would like to be 145. It is the lowest weight I've been as an adult and was a size 6/8.

    I'm supposedly small framed based on wrist size and elbow girth, but have wide hips and shoulders. Not sure if I could get skinnier than 145 in a healthy way. I will see when I get there - if I ever get there! LOL SLOW PROGRESS!
  • briannakaechele
    WOW! There sure are a lot of tall women on here! I am 5'10" and and hover between 175 & 180. But that is without any exercise and eating pretty close to whatever I want. I am a size 10 and mostly happy. There are just the few areas I would like to target. But it seems that whenever I try and drop a few pounds its my breasts that shrink, and believe me, they do not need any help in that department. Catch 22...
  • Runningnorth
    Runningnorth Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, I am 5'11" med build. Before kids I was 135 when I trained for running events. In off season I was 140-145. I gained weight after two kids in less then 2 years. I am currently 163, aiming for 145, but I will be fine at 155. I look fine now, it is just a personal preference. Depends on your lifestyle really. If you are a fitness nut you can be in the lower BMI, but if you are an average fitness/healthy person you will most likely be in the middle and still look fantastic. Good luck, I love that there are so many tall ladies out there.
  • Xianpu27
    Xianpu27 Posts: 70 Member
    Very interesting to see everyone goals!

    I'm 5'10" and would like to be 145. It is the lowest weight I've been as an adult and was a size 6/8.

    I'm supposedly small framed based on wrist size and elbow girth, but have wide hips and shoulders. Not sure if I could get skinnier than 145 in a healthy way. I will see when I get there - if I ever get there! LOL SLOW PROGRESS!

    Wow you sound so similar to me! I've also apparently got a small frame according to the wrist/elbow measurements, but my shoulders and hips are quite wide so I'm not sure how accurate that is...

    I'm 5'9.5, my initial goal weight was 147ish which previously put me at a UK 10/12 (the smallest I've been in my adult life) and that to me is the perfect size for my frame. Plus I still have loads of clothes around that size that I am desperate to get back into :)

    The thing is, I've started lifting heavy and eating better... I've not gained OR lost but I am noticing a lot of difference in how my clothes fit and how my body looks. I'm starting to focus more on changing my body composition than my weight, so I'm not really sure what my goal weight will actually end up being!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm 5'10 with a big frame. I'd love to get down to 185. I was stable at that for years after I had my kids, before I hurt my foot and got too sedentary.

    My wide hips are like my moms -- when she was in her 20s, she got sick and lost down to 115 (at my height) -- and still took a size 12/13 pants. It takes me a good 20+pounds to change a pants size.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm 5'11", 169-174 lb, and a size 4/6. Build more muscle and you don't have to lose weight to shink sizes. ;)
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Very interesting to see everyone goals!

    I'm 5'10" and would like to be 145. It is the lowest weight I've been as an adult and was a size 6/8.

    I'm supposedly small framed based on wrist size and elbow girth, but have wide hips and shoulders. Not sure if I could get skinnier than 145 in a healthy way. I will see when I get there - if I ever get there! LOL SLOW PROGRESS!

    Wow you sound so similar to me! I've also apparently got a small frame according to the wrist/elbow measurements, but my shoulders and hips are quite wide so I'm not sure how accurate that is...

    I'm 5'9.5, my initial goal weight was 147ish which previously put me at a UK 10/12 (the smallest I've been in my adult life) and that to me is the perfect size for my frame. Plus I still have loads of clothes around that size that I am desperate to get back into :)

    The thing is, I've started lifting heavy and eating better... I've not gained OR lost but I am noticing a lot of difference in how my clothes fit and how my body looks. I'm starting to focus more on changing my body composition than my weight, so I'm not really sure what my goal weight will actually end up being!

    Well hello! :-) It is weird being "small" framed, but "wide" (no other way to put it...), isn't it? When I was a 6/8 (UK 10/12), my hip bones stuck out a lot - I can't imagine I could get much skinnier than that. My parents thought I was starving myself and I had a few men tell me I was "too thin". I think it's a good weight though. I remember thinking I wanted to go lower since I still had part of my body I didn't like AND supermodels weigh less (hey, I'm a girl and I was young - we think about this stuff). I always wanted to be 125, which is what the 90's supermodels supposedly weighed. I guess now a lot models weigh 100 lbs at our height. I can't even imagine.

    I also weight train and am trying to build muscle as well. I do often wonder if 145 is even possible with the muscle gains. I'm still going to try though. ;-)
  • stormyinfinity
    I'm 20 years old, about 5'11 and my goal weight is between 150 and 160, which is what I weighed in high school. My starting weight was 215 and my current is 190. I suppose I would say I have a large, wide frame and am a typical hourglass figure. I have wide shoulders/upper torso and wide hips with a very narrow waist. I already have somewhat toned calves and hope to tone up the rest of my body as I lose weight.

    Also, might I ask, does anyone else here feel like a freaking Amazon next to shorter people?
  • amazon35
    amazon35 Posts: 98 Member
    My doc also told me around 160-180, course that's the range for my BMI at 6' even.

    I'm really shooting for 190 at this point to be realistic but I have a long way to go.

    Have to tell ya though, I remember when I was 15 and wearing size 14 @ 200-210ish and looked great. Skinny was never in my realm, I'm a frick'n Amazon! Toned and fit however definintely are and I'm looking forward to see a size 14 again LOL

    I don't think taller means smaller, get some meat on them bones and just look healthy! Know that you're comfortable with where you are once you hit it, and just maintain that. :) Healthy=Happy

    Say it again VAL!!!!!
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member

    Also, might I ask, does anyone else here feel like a freaking Amazon next to shorter people?

    Oh gosh yes. Always having to bend down to hear people when I'm walking someplace with a group of women!

    Also feel Amazonian when it comes to my goals here. Everyone going on about how MFP "gives all women a goal of 1200." And then a woman says their goal is set at 1500 calories per day and a bunch of people go off about how they just don't know any women who can lose on "that many calories." When my goal is over 1600.
  • cnicholexxo
    I am 5'11 and my starting weight was 177.
    I am now 156 and my goal is around 130. Ive been down to 147 and still carried my weight to heavy so I know I need to be less than that!
  • jLynn1998
    I'm aiming for about 175, to get out of the "overweight" range. WHEN I get there (not if) I will see how much further I would like to go. That's still a loooooong way away for me so it's going to be a while!
  • JFO007
    JFO007 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'11, 30 years old. I am happy around 155-168, however, I would love to get down to 145 ibs and later keep it between 138-148.

    Being this tall, I can put on 20 pounds fast, which happened from partying and drinking too much over the summer. Right now, I would be happy just to get down to 170.
    LINDYLOU67 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 45 and a small-framed 5-9"... my goal is 145/150.
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I'm 5'11" and aiming for 175 pounds. I started out at 332.4 and now I'm 215.4. Currently wearing a 14/16. I may re-evaluate my goal once I get there, but for now that's what I'm shooting for.
  • allie__jane
    I'm 5'11 and just saw 169 for the first time I can remember (it was really exciting). I only got above 200 once, but hovered in the 185-195 range for most of college. It's really helpful for me to hear from all of you! I've been trying to gauge where I should be based on BMI, but it's reassuring to see such a range, as I am not exactly what one would call small boned.
  • stormyinfinity

    Also, might I ask, does anyone else here feel like a freaking Amazon next to shorter people?

    Oh gosh yes. Always having to bend down to hear people when I'm walking someplace with a group of women!

    That's the worst! Then...the group pictures. Oh, gosh.
  • penguinlibrarian
    penguinlibrarian Posts: 33 Member
    I've always had a 'thin frame' I guess, but my goal weight is 135. (Current weight, a squishy 150) When I was 135 I wore size 6ish in pants and felt like I was trim and in good shape; no fat love handles squishing out of my waistband. The pictures in my profile are of me at my goal weight, to inspire me to shed this extra baggage and trim up!