Help from Sweet Tooths who have changed their ways?

His guys :) ... I'm trying to keep the healthy eating going but I always fall off the wagon when it comes to sugar. The longest I've lasted is a week and then I'm back to the sugary binge. It's not helpful that I live with people who bring piles of tasty things into the house. Chocolate, cupcakes, cookies, soda stream. Have any of you guys been in a similar situation? How'd you get out of the cycle permanently?


  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    It didn't work for me to give up sugar, I eat it but in moderation and using portion control. Before I would sit with a pint of ice cream and eat the whole pint. Now I actually measure out a serving size and incorporate it into my daily calorie intake. If I really want something I have it but then I know I have to sacrifice somewhere else that day.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's hard when people bring it in the house. See if they are at least willing to put it away out of sight so you don't have to walk past it on counters and the table.

    Other than that, cut it out completely is the only advice I have. A little never was enough for me so I finally gave it up entirely. And be sure to get enough calories every day (in other words don't make your deficit unreasonably large) and get enough protein and fat.
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    I so love sugar. I think I should try both of your suggestions because whenever I know I am going to stop eating sugar I go all out and binge and then when I fall off the wagon (which is generally fairly quickly after I've sworn off sugar) I overdo it with the sugar because I haven't had it in a while. I heard that you can detox your body from sugar and then you don't like the taste of it anymore. Has that happened for any of you?
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I have such a sweet tooth! It has always been a struggle for me. I've found a couple of things that work for me and are a reasonable number of calories. Skinny Cow ice cream treats are good and only around 150cal. A couple of times recently I have sliced a banana and put a 2 tablespoons of melted chocolate chips over it. It's really good.
    I'm not one for store bought sweets. I just don't like the way they taste so they don't satisfy my cravings for sweets. I love to bake but I've had to stop because I will easily take down a half a pan of brownies or 4 cookies that are as big as my face.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I do the same thing that grnice39 does I still eat sugar but instead of 4 or 5 porions I eat 1 or half of one. Since being on here I don't crave sugar like I used to so I'm good with the smaller portions.
  • beezipper
    beezipper Posts: 18 Member
    The change that got me past my latest plateau is cutting out dairy. I don't keep ice cream in the house (soy or coconut or otherwise) because I know it's killer for me. If somebody gives me a treat, I quietly pass it on to someone else, even if that means taking it in to work the next day. I'll specify to myself in my weird little brain that the treat is for X person and I can't eat the treat that's for X person. No dairy also really limits "trying" things, especially in potluck situations. It eliminates most chocolate and baked goods but also leaves a lot of really awesome options that are just a little harder to get (or you have to bake things yourself). This is just the latest change I've made - I've been "dieting" for fifteen years, but actually losing weight for the last few since I started counting calories, exercising and changing the content of my calories.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I so love sugar. I think I should try both of your suggestions because whenever I know I am going to stop eating sugar I go all out and binge and then when I fall off the wagon (which is generally fairly quickly after I've sworn off sugar) I overdo it with the sugar because I haven't had it in a while. I heard that you can detox your body from sugar and then you don't like the taste of it anymore. Has that happened for any of you?

    The first time I ate a pastry after a few months without, it tasted nasty. All chemical-filled. However it is very possible to re-develop a taste for it, as I found out around Halloween (damn you Halloween candy!).
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm the same. We do a lot of baking in our house and it's so easy to wolf down half of what you made. So much easier than having a whole chocolate bar you bought in a supermarket to yourself. Thanks for the advice about the chocolate chips and the skinny cow. I think maybe going cold turkey has been my downfall because the idea of never having something again makes me feel I need to enjoy it as much as I can before I say goodbye to it.
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    I so love sugar. I think I should try both of your suggestions because whenever I know I am going to stop eating sugar I go all out and binge and then when I fall off the wagon (which is generally fairly quickly after I've sworn off sugar) I overdo it with the sugar because I haven't had it in a while. I heard that you can detox your body from sugar and then you don't like the taste of it anymore. Has that happened for any of you?

    The first time I ate a pastry after a few months without, it tasted nasty. All chemical-filled. However it is very possible to re-develop a taste for it, as I found out around Halloween (damn you Halloween candy!).

    That's reassuring. I've read in a few places that it's best to detox yourself for two weeks and then allow a little bit of sugar back into your diet. Apparently after the two weeks you loose a taste for it. Hmm ... maybe I should just stick to a square of dark chocolate now and again and slowly wean myself off it it from there ...
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    The change that got me past my latest plateau is cutting out dairy. I don't keep ice cream in the house (soy or coconut or otherwise) because I know it's killer for me. If somebody gives me a treat, I quietly pass it on to someone else, even if that means taking it in to work the next day. I'll specify to myself in my weird little brain that the treat is for X person and I can't eat the treat that's for X person. No dairy also really limits "trying" things, especially in potluck situations. It eliminates most chocolate and baked goods but also leaves a lot of really awesome options that are just a little harder to get (or you have to bake things yourself). This is just the latest change I've made - I've been "dieting" for fifteen years, but actually losing weight for the last few since I started counting calories, exercising and changing the content of my calories.

    That's awesome that you've made such a great change in lifestyle. Encouraging and informative stuff! Thank you!
  • angrykitty13
    angrykitty13 Posts: 64 Member
    When I have dessert, I measure it out and then put it out of sight. I also avoid the foods I know are big triggers. I've had some hazelnut and caramel truffles in my cupboard for two weeks and haven't had many. If I bought my favorite salted peanut milk chocolate bark, I'd eat it one sitting. So I don't buy it.

    A lot of not over-indulging is, ultimately, will power. I've heard of people putting photos that inspire them to lose weight on ice cream, on the fridge, etc, to remind them of their goals. Or put sticky notes on food with inspring quotes.

    Oh, and if you're getting a strong craving and you know you don't need food, go brush your teeth. The taste of toothpaste will kill the cravings. Seriously.
  • QuirkyRedhead
    I can't give up sugar completely. I binge a whole lot worse and go off track when I do. So, I try to keep a really close eye on how much sugar I'm consuming. I try to eat a lot more fruit. Honeycrisp apples are the most amazing thing to me and I love when they are in season. I've found that a really sweet navel orange or clementine will help too. At the end of the day I allow myself one sweet thing. Sometimes that's just a tablespoon of chocolate chips, a 100 cal chocolate pudding cup, or a cascadian farms organic chocolate chip granola bar. It seems to keep me on track and I stay well within my defined calories.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Yup. Been there, so I know the feeling. I started to wean myself off of the heavy sugar products (chocolate bars, cookies, cakes and such) and switched to pudding and yogurt or granola bars. The calories are a little lower than the previously mentioned foods. i also bought a liquid water enhancer that makes water taste like juice. A little change makes a big difference.
  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    When I have dessert, I measure it out and then put it out of sight. I also avoid the foods I know are big triggers. I've had some hazelnut and caramel truffles in my cupboard for two weeks and haven't had many. If I bought my favorite salted peanut milk chocolate bark, I'd eat it one sitting. So I don't buy it.

    A lot of not over-indulging is, ultimately, will power. I've heard of people putting photos that inspire them to lose weight on ice cream, on the fridge, etc, to remind them of their goals. Or put sticky notes on food with inspring quotes.

    Oh, and if you're getting a strong craving and you know you don't need food, go brush your teeth. The taste of toothpaste will kill the cravings. Seriously.

    Wow that toothpaste trick sounds epic! Thank you! Yes if I buy less of the things I love and more of the things that I feel indifferent about it may be a easier road. Thanks so much for the advice :)
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    You can give it up completely, and that may be the best option for you in the long run. However, I found, that I can't do this. It makes me miserable and makes it much more likely for me to let things slide. By allowing myself, and making room for it in my diary, I am happier about my "food lifestyle change" (not diet because it's for the rest of my life). However, word of warning. It is easy to over do it and keep going. The only good answer is what works for you so that you lose weight and then are able to keep it off in a manageable way. I will say this, I do go down the grocery isles and ignore most sugars and snacks. :) However, if it is around me, then I have a much harder time not eating it. Much much harder....

    So I guess, don't have it around you, and if you do, find something that you can snack on instead that is better for you so you are eating something but that something isn't high in calories. Also, treat yourself, once a day or once a week or whatever works, but make sure you can't keep eating the stuff (this is where my "diet" is failing, but I will get on track and do better)
  • foxxigirl
    foxxigirl Posts: 2 Member
    Dark Chocolate works for me
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I gave up giving up sugar. I just make it work. Who the hell wakes up one day and decides to never eat sugar again?

  • Lish1234
    Lish1234 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for all the help guys! I have some great ideas of how to get on track now and stay on track. It's nice to know other people have been down or are going down the same road.
  • michelleinmaine
    What I did was whenever I got the urge for sweets was eat a dill pickle. I make them from my own garden so have tons and they don't have the yellow dye that some of the store bought ones do. It made my cravings pass and now as some others have said, store bought treats don't hold the same appeal for me. They taste fake. Yesterday I made a big batch of yummy cinnamon buns and I didn't eat a single one. :) that's what has worked for me! Good luck :)
  • violet_sphinx
    violet_sphinx Posts: 26 Member
    The first time I ate a pastry after a few months without, it tasted nasty. All chemical-filled. However it is very possible to re-develop a taste for it, as I found out around Halloween (damn you Halloween candy!).

    Same here! I managed to cut way down on sugar when I first started on MFP to the point where it got out of my system so I didn't crave it and it tasted really fake and cloying when I did have it. If you fall off the wagon, though, you do re-develop a taste for it, unfortunately. I think I managed by treating myself about once a week to a set size, and only when I was out. If I have sugary things in the house I WILL devour them!