Hi everyone!

My name is Katie and I've used myfitnesspal once before. However, as you can tell, I'm back again because I've gained back some weight over the winter. I let my sweet tooth get the best of me; I buy all of my food from Whole Foods and am a health but, but dessert is my weakness. I am hoping to get down to 120-125 pounds (I'm only 5'1.5'') before I go to Myrtle Beach this Summer! and I would love to fit into my old clothes again...

The first time I used the site I never invited any friends or went on message boards because I was kind of embarrassed, as I was only 16 at the time. After reading through these I think it would be cool to add other people who are looking for motivation as well- none of my friends are trying to loss weight right now wince the majority of them are naturally skinny (so unfair!), and some motivation would be nice!

So, I told you my story, what about everyone else? Feel free to add me!


  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    Well, story: I'm about to turn 28, already had gastric-bypass and lost 175 pounds, but when I stabled my exercise was going to the club and dancing. Now I'm unemployed and married, thus gaining 30 pounds, which I seek to lose. My husband supports me in this.

    That's my story in an extreme short, but if you want to be friends let's go! I send a lot of yay and go you comments when you do good and a little more when things are in question.