1200 Calories - Should I be eating more?

I've read a lot of posts with people saying that 1200 calories is too low... so I'm wondering if I should be eating more? I'm currently doing 1200 a day plus doing Jilliam Michaels 30 Day Shred (eating back the calories burned). I feel like I'm eating a lot and I don't feel lethargic or anything. My weight loss is a little slow so far (only been at it for a couple weeks) but I'm gaining muscle so I'm trying not to focus on the scale right now. I'm 5'6", 150lbs (a little lower in the mornings) and trying to lose 20-25lbs.

This is a sample of my daily menu:

Breakfast - 2 Scrambled Eggs, 2 Slices of WW Weight Watchers Bread Toased, 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1/2 Banana

Lunch - Tuna Salad (1 can of Tuna, 2 cups lettuce/cucumber, some cheese)

Snack #1 - apple, rice cake (the caramel chocolate kind -yum!), and a yogurt (yoplait source)

Supper - Pork Chop, 2 cups steamed broccoli and carrots

Snack # 2 - Popcorn (100 Calorie Bag), Orange, yogurt (yoplait source)

And then I might add another piece of fruit and maybe some toast with a little margarine to make up my exercise calories...

I'm really wanting to do this right so any feedback is greatly appreciated!!