
so when is enough weight loss enough? I started this journey at 317lbs. Now im down to 168lbs. I have had several people tell me "enough, your getting too skinny!!" words i never thought i would ever hear in a lifetime. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week, and workout at home the other 3. I've started to increase my weight workouts. I know that i will gain some weight as muscle starts to fill in the voids left from the weight loss. What do you all think, when is too much weight loss, too much? I have too laugh at times, people ask me if ive been sick, and have even sent my wife emails asking if i'm ok ,or sick or something...


  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I've seen a few threads about this topic recently. I think sometimes when people have always know you as an overweight person they don't know how to react to seeing you as a thin, fit person. Also, we aren't used to seeing thin people in general. Most of the country is overweight! Recently I was looking at some pictures from the 70s and the majority of people were very thin. We're not used to that anymore.

    How close are you to your goal and how close is that to to what is considered a healthy weight for your height and build?