Walk / Bike to Disney World / Land Chalenge!!!



  • Funn! It's exactly 1555 miles from my house to Disney World. I'm in. :)

    Edit: Wow! If I go 5 miles 5 times a week, I'll make it in 62 weeks! Yikes!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    What a fun challenge! I'm in! I live in Massachusetts, so Disney World is my destination. I'll figure distance and report back.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    We're actually going to WDW in October and hopefully adding a trip in May. Let's see if I can run there before we actually go!
  • KelBelz22
    KelBelz22 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm interested in this! I live in New Hampshire. So from here to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando it's 1,347 mi.
    This should be fun!

    Is there a group for this challenge? I'd love to see the progress.
  • waistaway80
    waistaway80 Posts: 31 Member
    Oh, I love this idea! Disney World would be a great place for me to track, I live in Ohio and it says that will be 972 miles. It may take me a while but I'll get there!
  • I live in South Florida so I only live 225 miles from Disney World, so I'll go there and back. 550 miles total.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm interested in this! I live in New Hampshire. So from here to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando it's 1,347 mi.
    This should be fun!

    Is there a group for this challenge? I'd love to see the progress.

    I will be making a specific thread for this in 2 or 3 days, where everybody can post their mileage.
  • It's 670 miles from my house to Magic Kingdom! I think I'll try this after my couch 2 5K trial. :)
  • I'm In! MapQuest says its 929 miles from my home in Maryland to the front gates of the Magic Kingdom! I'm packing now! LoL!
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    494 miles to Disneyland Paris. 100 days I reckon.
  • drgummibear
    drgummibear Posts: 20 Member
    Greetings Everyone! I was inspired by my good friend Breadbar, so I thought that I might bike ride down from here in Southern Ontario to visit my mom down in Kisssimmee Florida just outside of Disneyworld. 2400kms of riding. OW my butt feels sore just thinking about it. But I will do it in about 80 days. Since I can't cycle everyday, I will forecast about 4 months to get there. I printed out the mapquest instructions and I will cross out the distance as I ride it. I will be staying off of the freeways and doing a virtual ride as if I was really going to ride down. I am also going to count the distance I get using my elliptical trainer at work. I'll pretend that I am on the "Elliptigo" that I rented in Kissimmee last month when I was actually down there visiting for real. If you have never seen an Elliptigo, just google video search it. WAY COOL to ride and get a great workout with.

    Best of luck to everyone and I hope to hear from anyone with questions about riding or using an indoor trainer. Feel free to PM me and friend me. That way I can comment on your accomplishments and you can comment on mine. I hope to hear from everyone at one time or another. Would love to connect with each one of you. Cheers for now and see you on the road.

    All the best from the Drgummibear (the happy cyclist with bugs in his teeth):bigsmile:
  • Whimzeee
    Whimzeee Posts: 152 Member
    Sounds like a deal! Years ago, we had a challenge at work to "exercise" across the United States and back. Every minute of exercise equaled a certain number of miles. They gave us a map so we could chart our progress. Can't remember how long it took me though!

    Mapquest said I'm 1,084 miles from Disneyland. Since I'll lose interest quickly if I try to get there in one leap, I've mapped out my route with small mileposts along the way. I'm giving myself a Gold Star when I reach each milepost.

    Good Luck to Everyone - here's to months of Fun!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i would have to use caution because some of the route may be missing sidewalks.
    from westchester ny to disney is 1168 miles. i'll get there eventually. see you all whenever!
  • RunningOnPurple
    RunningOnPurple Posts: 119 Member
    I'm in! 1016 miles for me. Meet you at Cinderella's Castle! :)
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    I think it is an Awesome idea. I have always wanted to go back to the San Diego Zoo....so I will have 1,099 miles to walk (I live outside of Portland). I think I could get that many miles logged. :-)

    When you get to the zoo come say hi to me! I am about an hour north lol...you can stop by my house on your way down....to ice your feet or get a drink of water :heart:
    I am from Washington State originally....all my family is up there still....We used to go to Jenzen Beach Mall shopping when I was a kid.....and eat at a place called Waddles.....lol......
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    1355 miles for me....this could take a while!
  • MumOfADuo
    MumOfADuo Posts: 294 Member
    SO, you said the happiest place on earth, so I am going to visit my family in Washington!!!! I live about 40 miles from Disneyland and about 2500 (give or take) from Disneyworld so I am going to Puyallup Washington!!! 1185 miles......
    I like the idea of number of minutes worked out equals miles....maybe for those of us who do weight training/high intensity interval type training can use minutes worked out vs actual mileage.....suggestions????
  • kimmysue
    kimmysue Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in! 1240 miles for me. May take a long time!
  • scarywordlikediet
    scarywordlikediet Posts: 91 Member
    I am in...going to Disney World next year with the family. This is a GREAT way to look at it...love the idea.

    That would be 440.2 miles for me.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    I'm interested in this! I live in New Hampshire. So from here to the Magic Kingdom in Orlando it's 1,347 mi.
    This should be fun!

    Is there a group for this challenge? I'd love to see the progress.

    I'll make an official one as soon as I learn how.