Getting motivated to exercise



  • veronica341972
    I understand what your getting at. I try to find time to work out after getting all six kiddos away for bed...........sometimes at night I rather just sit down and relax rather than pop in the workout video. However whatever you do for a while becomes a habit. I have forced myself to workout in the evenings and rather than workout for a long 1 hour workout I do only 20 minutes of cardio blast or Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I think we can all find at least 20 minutes to work out. What motivates me to workout is simply remembering that someone else is much busier than I am so I can find at least 20 minutes in the day to work out. As far as motivation, maybe find something also you enjoy doing (my husband doesn' tcare for workout videos but loves tennis). Just a thought ..........
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Glad ive seen this thread. Its also my downfall. I can be really good and log my food daily, but trying to get in the exercise every day is just not happening. I have a 3 month old daughter so im trying to lose the pregnancy weight.

    Guess I can take comfort in that im not the only one suffering! Lol
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    [TO REMIND ME EVERYDAY.........JUST DO IT! THANK YOU>>>>>>>I needed this.:smooched: GET'ER DONE!!!

    For me, I've come to realize its nothing to do with motivation-i mean i exercise because i want to lose weight, but what gets me out there isn't "motivation". Sometimes I look forward to working out, its true. Most of the time I don't. Often i enjoy it once I've started. But what makes me start? What makes me put on my exercise clothes and go out the door when its 6 pm and freezing out?

    Well, what makes you go to work everyday?

    What makes you shower everyday, even days when that extra hour of sleep sounds like heaven?

    You do it because it needs to be done. When i started looking at exercise as something that needed to be done if i wanted a better life (to lose weight, be healthier & happier, ect), it became a lot easier.

    Don't think about it. I dont sit there and debate going out for my daily hour. Very brisk walk. I dont think about it at all-this is one of the few instances in life where thinking is dangerous! If you let yourself think about it you'll find a way to make yourself feel ok about not doing it.

    Just get up and do it.

    Do you get up everyday and debate going to work? No, for most of us we just do it, because it needs to be done.

    This isnt to say i dont like exercise. As i said, once I'm out there, it often feels good. Sometimes it doesn't.

    But it ALWAYS feels good when i come in and log it on MFP, and hop in the shower. :)

    Don't think about it. Just do it.
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    This evening........I could not fulfil my week of doing SOMETHING every night for exercise. So this evening I found my "BIGGEST LOSER" workout DVD. I did the 10 min. cardio. Yep, it is a work out for someone who has not done much. I can not get into it like the THIN people.......but I feel I did a good job for an out of shape person. I am tired.....I worked up a sweat..........I needed water when I was I think that means I tried.

    In PA if it get warmer I plan to walk.....that will be a big help. Not miles.......but something. Lunch time too.

    We have to keep moving. I appreciate all the comments. It really has helped me.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I have a calendar and at the begininng of the month i put my goals on there and write on it all of the exercises i want to do and my rest days. So before i go to bed every night I look to see what I have to do in the morning. I also give myself a dollar every time I do what is on my calendar.

    This would work lovely to help in your motivation increase. I have a calander in my room with the routines I have planned. It helps you get into the mind set of working out because you know of it before hand. Think of it like an a doctor appointment. If you miss it making another appointment will just take too long, so just go and it will feel good afterwards.
  • pl7285
    pl7285 Posts: 14
    I have gotten the tracking my calories down pretty good. I won't go to bed without logging what I have had all day.
    The hard thing is exercising. Tonight I worked out "a little" with my WII. But that I know is not enough. How to get motivated has always been an issue with me. Will I ever "get it"?

    I work 40 hr week. I exercise about two times a week. Pounds since beginning of Jan. down 6 today up 2. Endless.

    What do you think? :cry:
  • pl7285
    pl7285 Posts: 14
    I can totally relate, I started bout the same time as you, down 4 pounds also. you have to find your motivation and when you do, its amazing how nothing gets in your way to excersise, whether its getting up earlier or giving up a show you like to watch at night. My motivation is my Mamma, she has pancreatic cancer and endures pain everyday. When I feel like im sore and cant go on or working out is just too much, I think of her and think " what do I have to complain about or make excuses for". You can do this...find your motivation and think about it when you are feeling like you want to "skip it". I have worked out now everyday for 4 weeks straight, started at just 4 minutes on my eliptical, now up to 40 minutes! good luck and keep going!
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    So it was one of those days when I did nothing that I thought I would except log-in and hope to exercise.
    My hubby and I go to BK every Sat. morning. Empty Nester's for several years now.
    I went to the store and bought everything I need to make Sausage Corn Chowder for a Women's event at church in a few weeks.
    Thinking I was going home to clean..........we instead went to the Verizon store and I bought a new Smart Phone. Now I am SMART. HA. got home at 1:30. THinking I had time to start the double patch of soup....and get some house cleaning done.....our friends called and invited us to Olive Garden with them at 4:30. Sure we excepted.
    I sat down.........played with and tried learning the new phone for a bit. Got ready. Then I checked the website for Olive Garden to see what was the least Calorie I could eat....that would give me a good dinner.
    I think I made a good choice. Lobster and Shrimp Cantanolli. 570 calories. Had 1 bread stick & salad.
    Water for beverage. Then we ordered Zapoli's. We all shared 9 of them. They are good. They logged in at 345 calories for what I ate. Love MYFITNESS PAL because they have the exact food on their search. Great.

    I did not eat anything for lunch..........except I added it all up...3 animal cookies.

    Thought I WOULD NOT exercise..........but then........I just could not let it go. I made myself a promise and I need to KEEP with.
    I was over in I have 111 remaining. That is a good day.

    Hope all of you had a good day too. Not sure how the scale will look come Monday..........but I am trying.

  • gdoncowan
    I started going to the gym everyday of the week for an hour and a half each. Eat only fish and chicken grilled, veggies. Have lost 35 lbs since January 1st... Of course.. I have a lot to lose and don't expect to keep dropping that much weight every two months.
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi. My medical doctor said.. you have to exercise every day.. preferably, morning..... Now... that isn't always possible, so you can break it down to three ten minute time slots.... You can do it........ In the morning... do your stretching.... breathe in and out... and stretch.... slowly... not vigorously..... If you can..... walk ... you can follow a Leslie Sansone one mile walk video in your home...You end up walking a mile in under 30 minutes...................Later in the day....or through the day... aim for 10,000 steps... sounds like a lot... okay.... but do what you can as you are just starting out... buy a pedometer that keeps track of your steps....... Park your car a little farther from the door.... take the steps instead of the elevator..... stretch your legs at your desk , if you are sedentary too long.... and then... later in the day... your last 10 minute module.... get either a nice walk outdoors.. for some fresh air.... or run and walk.. if you can... If not.... When you do muscle work... you are still burning calories. Follow the MFP plan, in that you should not put yourself in starvation about that .............Use Progresso soup cans for light weights to start working upper arms.... Overall.... you can do this... You don't have to spend money..... and there are many supportive people in MFP... who are on the same boat.... all ages and sizes..... Best wishes. :bigsmile:
  • wcso911mn
    wcso911mn Posts: 68 Member
    I, too, found it hard to get motivated to exercise. But once I heard about Zumba & how much fun it was, I searched for a class near my house. Now I go every Tuesday night for an hour and it kicks my butt! Even after working a 10-hour shift, I so look forward to going to the class. I also joined a bowling league and bowl for about 1-1.5 hours every Thursday night. I love bowling, but just recently was able to join a league because my work schedule before didn't allow time (was on an overnight shift for 14 years and raised 3 kids). I knew that if I did things that I enjoyed, I'd be more inclined to stick with them. I figured I could start out with that and work up to more strenous activity. Good luck! :happy:
  • ShannOliver
    ShannOliver Posts: 11 Member
    This was by far my biggest struggle. Here are a few things that my doctor recommended which have totally worked for me:

    1) No matter what, aim for just 5 minutes. Just put on your shoes and start walking/running/etc... for 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes you want to quit, you can. But you HAVE to do those 5 minutes, every single day.*

    *The trick here is, you will almost ALWAYS want to keep going, and having less pressure to commit to completing a longer workout will get you started. This is perfect for those of us who really want to work out, but just lack the motivation to get started. Once you get started, going past 5 minutes is a breeze. I keep going 99% of the time, and I ALWAYS start my workouts with this mindset. And yes, there are a few times where I'm just not feeling it, I count the seconds until 5 minutes, and I stop. No big deal. Barely ever happens. But you must, MUST do 5 minutes. This trick works like a charm.

    2) Start those 5 minutes at the same exact time every day.*

    *I start my 5 minutes EXACTLY at 7pm (like, I take my first step when the clock hits 7pm. No earlier, no later). Here's how the story usually goes:

    6pm hits- I start thinking of excuses. "I think I'm wheezing a little bit", "I ate too much/too little", "my friends want to go out", "I'll just workout twice tomorrow".

    6:45pm hits- "UGH, I'm totally not doing it today. Tomorrow I'll workout twice".

    6:55pm hits- "Okay, ONLY 5 minutes tonight. There's no way I'll feel like doing more than that. I'm totally not in the mood"

    8pm hits- "Oh my god I feel great! I think I'm going to start running more. Maybe I'll start training for a marathon... I'm going to go try on that dress in the back of my closet to see if it fits yet...".

    This is me every. single. day. You do finally hit a groove where it's not this much of a struggle and start looking forward to 7pm. But this was how I started. =) I know...I'm ridiculous. But hey, whatever works!
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    It seems as though many of us find it difficult some days to motivate ourselves to get the time in. Same here. I'm an educator that works 10-12 hours a day, and many times the last thing I feel like doing when I get home is work out. What I did, at least in the beginning before working out became totally addictive, was find a workout buddy. Someone who would help keep me accountable and give me what for if I didn't workout. In the beginning of the school year, a friend of mine and I would walk the track after school. Once the school schedule became crazy, we would message each other about what we had done that day. There are even some groups on here that have threads to help keep you accountable. Make it a job. Something you have to do everyday and it will become a habit. :-)
  • andrewjcarter
    I hit my tenth time in the gym today, a small NSV there. First one was a struggle, but I am finding it easier to go, and almost getting itchy to get back in there.

    I find the best way to do it is to take my kindle, get on the elliptical machine and just read. Or take an iPad and watch something. Just fool your brain into thinking it's on the couch when you are actually crushing out some exercise...
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    When I lay in bed in the morning pysching myself up to get to the gym, the best thing for me is thinking "I NEVER regret having gone when I am driving back home". And I don't like the guilt I feel all day when I don't go. It's not easy, but if it was, there would never be an open treadmill at the gym!! Best of luck...
  • merraina
    merraina Posts: 30 Member
    I hated exercising too until I found started doing things that I love! I love to dance so I will do dancing workouts. I have to take my dog for a walk so I just walk a little bit faster. I also do my workouts in 20 minute increments. I find it very daunting to say that I need to get in 45 mins to an hour of working out. However, if I do 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes on my lunch break and 20 minutes when I get home, I have achieved my hour of exercising. We can all do something for 20 minutes right? You can do this!
  • merraina
    merraina Posts: 30 Member
    I find the best way to do it is to take my kindle, get on the elliptical machine and just read. Or take an iPad and watch something. Just fool your brain into thinking it's on the couch when you are actually crushing out some exercise...

    I will actually watch an episode of Modern Family or another "30 minute" episode while on the treadmill. Without the commercials it is about 22-24 minutes and before I know it, it is over!
  • sierrapatricia
    It's hard to get motivated but once you start you feel so much better. :smile: :smile:
  • rylovesty23
    I have gotten the tracking my calories down pretty good. I won't go to bed without logging what I have had all day.
    The hard thing is exercising. Tonight I worked out "a little" with my WII. But that I know is not enough. How to get motivated has always been an issue with me. Will I ever "get it"?

    I work 40 hr week. I exercise about two times a week. Pounds since beginning of Jan. down 6 today up 2. Endless.

    What do you think? :cry:

    You have to start somewhere. And really what it is is creating the habbit.. the first couple of weeks might be hard, however once you get into it and realize how rewarding it is you really want to keep going! You will also probably be surprised by how much the little things count! For instance, if you have any shows you like to watch- like your favorite hour of sitcoms, every commercial- do push ups until the show cums back on, or lunges around the couch. If you have 2 15 minutes breaks at work, use them to walk fast around the building(even better if your building has stairs) ! That 30 minutes of extra walking a day! start small and look for little opportunities. Buy some small weights and lift them while doing other things, again like when you are watching a movie.
  • pattycakes10117
    pattycakes10117 Posts: 55 Member
    Has been an off week. Had a couple dr. appointments that made me not feel good. Have not exercised this week. Just plain too tired so it has been a week of early to beds and some meds making me tired.
    I am off tomorrow - happy about that. I need the break at work. Busy time there right now with Trade shows, Insurance new enrollment for 2013, accounting, HR work to be done. My hats are getting tattered so I am blessed to have a day off. Someone else can watch the phones for a day.
    I will be out and about tomorrow so I will be getting some exercise and fresh air.
    RV show on Sat. so I will be up and down rv steps and walking alot so that is good too.
    Have a good weekend.

    Thanks for you support.:flowerforyou:
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