Help me get started again!

I have been with MFP for a few months now, while training for my first marathon. Using it more of a food tracker than a calorie counter, and was hoping that training would help some weight come off naturally. No such luck. I have actually gained about 5 pounds since training started.

I am ready to get back on track and really tackle this weight loss. I am 5' 8", was 155-160 in college (ex-swimmer, I have a lot of muscle and that makes me feel big). 144 was my lowest back in high school. Now after college and starting a desk job I am up to 180 and it has been bothering me, but nothing really modivated me until I saw a picture of me standing with my back to a camera recently...wake up call. This is not how I see myself! How did it happen?

I am going to start following the reccomended calories and see if this works. It should, there are inspring stories on here. I would appriciate any support you have to offer. I need it.


  • clcastro
    clcastro Posts: 17
    hey! I'm also an x-swimmer and in college - I know exactly what you mean about having all the muscle from swimming! I'm training for my first half marathon (hopes to eventually get to a full marathon!) and its a biiigggg difference going from always being in the water to dry land haha - we have a lot in common and I also seem to have hit a plateau - we should help each other out! :) All I can say from my experiences is its never too late to get back on track!
  • borgi77
    borgi77 Posts: 61
    you can do it !!! I use the calorie counter it works plus exercise I love MFP
  • lvanwormer
    Can someone PLEASE tell me how to get started on this program? Do I just start tracking my food and using the calorie counter? Is that all there is too it? LOL? Surely there is more right? :-)
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Hi Lauren,

    Good luck with the training!! I've found with marathon training that it makes me SO hungry it is a bit hard to lose weight - does great things for the body shape though. Shorter runs are great for weight control. I see posts here - shall I eat birthday cake? What can I have at Indian? Easter eggs? I throw my running shoes on for 40 minutes and eat it ALL. Counting calories is really the way to go if you want to lose some weight though. Most of us do not realise how many calories are in many foods or how much we are actually eating. I smiled at a post the other day - someone thought their morning meusli was around a 100g portion and was shocked to weigh it and find she'd been eating about 700 calories for breakfast (before milk or yogurt!). I measure my meusli and 100g is not a large bowl!!! If you know the (high) calorific value of for example fruit juices, peanut butter or other such foods most people think of as healthy you may decide you'd rather eat more of something with less calories.

    Anyway best of luck and keep with the running. I really believe it is the best weight control ever.
  • ophedian
    ophedian Posts: 78
    Welcome back!!! I am also coming back starting today!! New week, new year, new start! Heck, I have even joined the BodyForLife Challenge!! We can do this!!
  • lecarter
    lecarter Posts: 15
    Thanks everyone! I am already feeling better about this. Modivation from others really helps!