Big Guy with a Big Appetite...

bteichroew Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey All... Im kinda new to this, my girlfriend signed me up..

Im a big guy trying to loose some weight but I run into a big snag with my eating..i can eat healthy but im hungry 1/2 hour later and snack.. any suggestions on better menu options to keep me full? maybe some snack options..


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    My husband is the same way!! He does a great job of adding lots of veggies, beans, peanut butter and other low(er) calorie, high protein and/or high fiber foods. That way he's more satisfied, feels fuller, etc. for fewer calories.

    No specific recipes (he does the cooking ... sorry), but hopefully that helps some!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    hey big guy

    try adding some extra protein to your meals, an egg / legumes/ lean meat - if your eating a high carb diet you might feel hungry after a meal.

    also plan out some snacks / i know some of the people of this site have pre packed and weighed snacks in 100 calorie bags or so maybe a little more for you would be fine, then you can be accountable for your snacks as well and knowing that you can have a snack and not worry about it may be a help that you dont feel like your having to go hungy
  • ScarletTarah
    ScarletTarah Posts: 117 Member
    When first started I had to snack to feel like I wasn't deprived...I did this with baby carrots 3oz is 30-35 calories and all the chewing gets tiresome I would try to hold out til about 6-7 pm because thats my calm down time when the eating urgre really gets me.

    I found eatting things that were low in calories like broccoli were I can eat a bunch of it with dinner really helped. I am all about quantity I have to feel like i've eaten.

    good luck
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    drink lots and lots and lots of water....sounds silly but try it for a few days. Soon you will find yourself thirsty instead of hungry.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    before you start eating make sure you have enough water. sometimes thirst can mask as hunger. always drink 8 to 16 oz of water before you grab a snack, wait 10 min you may find the water satisfies at least for a while.

    make sure you are working at switching to whole grains and fiber rich foods (like- brown not white rice) they digest more slowly. mfp lists a lower fiber number, but try to daily get over at least 20g of fiber.

    protein also helps hold your appetite down. vegetables are your friend (for fiber, vitamins & calories) make sure you are getting at least 5 fruits & veg a day (most of those veg)

    alot of processed foods with sugars & white flour will digest more quickly leaving you hungrier. so, be careful what you choose for snacks.

    it may take some experimentation to find the best fit for you. some people move to eating small meals every 2 to 3 hrs rather than just 3 meals.
    for snacks i try to keep a range of sweet & savory snacks in the house, so even on a bad day i can have something.
    10 calorie jello cups
    15 calorie popsicles
    35 calorie light laughing cow cheese
    40 calorie fudgesicles
    50 calorie string cheese
    60 calorie sugar free pudding cups
    80 calorie yogurt

    and of course there are always veg & fruit, i keep 40 calorie orowheat bread, too. good luck- katie
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    There really is something magical about "an apple a day" which I sometimes eat with natural peanut butter. Other filling food is fresh crunchy celery that I eat with hummus or cottage cheese. I also take the time to make a fantastic salad with lots of veggies, I chop the veggies small just seems to make the salad more flavorful and I always make enough for a second serving. Here's wishing you success!!!
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