How Do I Balance the "To-Do" List and Eating?

Over the past few weeks, my life has become incredibly hectic. My fiance started a new job after a year and a half off and his truck broke down, so I am the driver of the house. I am up at 5am everyday to get him up, out the door, and to work, then it's back home for an hour nap to let my arthritis medicines kick in and then I am up. However, I start out the day eating well but as the day picks up I start snacking. I have such a huge "to-do" list that I am overwhelmed. And with that sense of being totally lost and confused as to which task to start (they are all such huge tasks...more like projects), I get frustrated and I start eating.

Now, I have been faithfully going to the pool and doing my workouts 5 days a week for about 2 hours a day with Monday and Wednesday I'm in the pool twice in one day. I am a competitive swimmer, so all of my workouts are competition based. I have been able to stay within or under my calories everyday, except the weekends, but I still can't crack the to-do list. I somehow have the energy for everything, but whenever I get set to start a task, I get distracted by all kinds of other little tasks that pop-up and in between those menial, inbetweeners, I eat.

Does anyone have some good advice as to how to manage the "to-do" list, exercise, and watching what they are eating? I am really starting to get frustrated. I have had great success so far with this journey and really don't want to lose sight of my goals now. Any timesaving or organizational advice would be great!

I just want to add that I literally feel like crying at the end of the day because I feel that I have not accomplished ANYTHING that needed to be done (though really I have gotten a lot done, just not the things that needed to be done). I pretty much end everyday complaining that there just aren't enough hours in the day and I really want to cry!!! :sad:


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Make it easy on yourself by getting rid of every naughty munchie in the house and replacing it with something healthy. Then you don't have to worry about it. A mountain of fruits & veggies will fill you up and sustain you much longer for the same amount of calories as a cheeseburger.
    Keep water handy all over the house (invest in several water bottles), get rid of pop, and everything else.
    Get your workout done first thing in the morning after hubs is off to work. The endorphins will give you enough energy to carry you through the day to accomplish the projects you want to do.
  • vrealize
    vrealize Posts: 13
    I can recommend the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Here is a description of it on wikipedia:

    In fact, I should re-read it.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I can relate. My life too, has become what seems like impossibly hectic. The last couple weeks I have started slacking on exercise and diet because I simply run out of steam. I did notice tho' that the week is far more overwhelming and difficult to stay on track if I do not get organized on the weekend. So Sunday I dedicate a few hours to preparing healthy snacks to take on the go, I get breakfasts for the week premade, and just generally get the house and fridge organized. This way, once Monday hits, and will be non-stop for 5 days, I at least have things in order. I have to make this a priority on the to-do list. As much as I want to spend some weekend time relaxing, I find I pay for it through the week if I don't get organized for the week ahead.

    Last two weekends I failed to do that, and for the first time, the scale moved a bit upward. So this Sunday, I took the better part of my day preparing for the weekdays. It's great when all my breakfasts, snacks, and even a couple lunches are just ready to grab. It makes the whole week SO much easier. Still a few stragglers on the to-do list I would have like to get done today, but at least the most important of it is covered.

    Staying on top of it all constantly is a challenge. Great that you are still managing to get your exercise in , despite it all!!