SPF 2: Reboot Boogaloo Week of April 5

lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Morning pebbs,

So, I've turned into a farmer. For the past week or two, I've been waking up at or before 5 a.m. and going to bed at or before 10. It was spontaneous and weird. I seem to be getting a lot more done, as the house and city are super quiet, and I have an easier time focusing.

Also, I've lost weight since I last weighed in on March the 1st. Either it's actual weight loss, or I can owe it to the fact that I moved my weigh in farther away from my special lady time. Either way, 140s, here I come!

I've made myself some rather ambitious workout goals for the week. I'm trying to work out every day (even if it's "just" 30 minutes of cardio or a restorative yoga day) in the hope that consistency helps me. I have three double dip days, where I do a morning and an evening workout. I've been doing it on Tuesdays and enjoying it, so I'm going to add Thursday and Saturday to the mix. Today it's my first boxing class in about six weeks. Excited/nervous about it. The warm up is brutal, plyometrics, jump rope (I have to pretend, as every time I try to actually jump rope I practically strangle myself) pushups and squats in sets for about ten minutes. Pretty much if I can make it through the warmup, I'm home free.

Also, I'm aiming for no sweets until Sunday.

I feel super focused right now, so I'm trying to take advantage of it. Maybe it's all the scandinavian tidiness.

Chatty Cathy boogaloo.:flowerforyou:


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I'm making the same aim, V. I had way too many desserts yesterday.

    Today is bike to yoga and get a walk in. Also, a lot of cooking, since I'm stuck at home while a guy works on my house. I need to find some yoga for tomorrow. I think I've picked at teacher training program, but I need to find more information about it. I also need to take one of the main teacher's class, to make sure I can put up with her. I don't know when her next session starts. She is ending a two year series next month.

    I really need to clean my house soon.

    Training, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey, Pebbs.
    I'm pretty much dead on my feet today so will you all work out for me? I was going to walk today but I did not sleep well at all and then we had to get up at 6 this morning. I didn't sleep because I am still coughing a lot, and I also had anxiety attacks throughout the night, which has not happened to me in a very long time. I was so stressed out about this morning's finger printing. It took an hour and a half at the Fort Worth police dept. She took a lot more time with me and was very thorough. I can tell she does it a lot. But that doesn't mean I am more confident. She seemed concerned. Not a good sign. My ring fingers and pinky fingers don't have much of a print. I don't know why. It's not like they are the fingers I use most. I did everything I was told to do and it didn't make it any better. If my prints are this bad in my 30's what will they be like when I get old? I am usually an optimist, but this time I am trying to brace myself for the worst. I think either way it goes I'm going to cry. lol. Right now the adoption hinges on me. Not a nice feeling.
    My goal for the day is to get a nap. I will also need to do some laundry and cleaning. Maybe I will go for a walk if I have time and energy. I'll check back in when I am fully awake.
    Wishing DH wouldn't have forgotten to take the Easter candy to work boogaloo! (How's that for a long one?)
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    SPF 2, huh? I think I need more protection than that - I'll burn for sure! :wink:

    I haven't posted in a couple of days because I've been feeling stupid and sorry for myself. My ankle has been bothering me for awhile when I run, and after running again on Saturday and doing some research on my symptoms, I am now convinced that I have a stress fracture. :cry: I feel stupid because I probably ramped up my training too fast and broke my own ankle. But it's hard to tell for sure - I have an appointment with my regular doctor on Friday, but she probably won't be able to tell anything without sending me to someone else. I've heard that they usually won't show up on a regular x-ray, so they'd have to do a bone scan or MRI to detect it. Even if it is "only" tendinitis, it can take a long time to heal. So I am feeling sorry for myself because I was hoping (rather optimistically, I admit) that I'd be able to do a local half-marathon on April 25, and then maybe the full in September. Now I am thinking that the April 25 run isn't likely.

    So, if I'm trying to stay off my ankle, it's hard to figure out what exercise I can do. Cycling usually bothers my knees, but I guess I will give it a try. I can walk just fine, but I'm going at a slower pace right now that isn't going to do much to qualify as aerobic activity. I've heard about "pool running", so maybe I will look into that - I guess you wear some sort of belt that helps you stay vertical in the deep end and then it's supposedly just like running.

    Today I guess I will do my pushups, and maybe some other strength training. And try not to eat too many of the black bean brownies I made last night.

    Babying my ankle boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    SPF 2, huh? I think I need more protection than that - I'll burn for sure! :wink:

    gaaaah. I'm blaming the fact that I was typing before the sun was up.:blushing:

    Stress fracture? Oh no....do you have access to a pool? Because that's the only safe thing I can think of. Even biking might put pressure on it. Sorry.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning, pebbs,

    I have a runny nose that I'm ignoring. (oops. I just acknowledged it.) Perhaps the early summer has encouraged the pollen? Or all my spring cleaning has encouraged the dust. My husband went out and bought me a new super awesome vacuum, so I've been moving all the furniture and vacuuming around/under it. I'm a madwoman.

    Today I have zumba in the a.m. and yoga in the p.m. In between, I have finals to grade. I'm trying to just bang through them as quickly as possible, as grades are due in a week. (since the students don't get them back, there's no need to write thoughtful comments on them, so they'll go faster.)

    Boxing class was awesome last night. I keep hoping that he'll pair me up with a male partner so that I can hit the pads as hard as I'd like to, but he doesn't. We did a lot of "move around and chase your opponent" moves, so my calorie burn was really high (over 800 calories in 45 minutes!).

    Also, I ate a cookie yesterday. Someone brought me a gluten-free cookie, so I eated it. My bad...no more until Sunday.

    Zumbayoga boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Sorry about your ankle, CP. The thing with riding a bike and knees - make sure you have the right fit for your bike. We used to have a recumbent bike that would always hurt my knees. Logic says that biking should be great for the knees: no direct pressure and strengthens the quads. Logic doesn't always work though.

    I think your new tag line is quite appropriate, MM :laugh:

    There is so much oak pollen this year. If your car is parked for more than 12 hours, it turns a yellow-green with pollen. Austin is a great city - the plants think so too.

    I didn't get that bike ride to yoga in yesterday, but I got lots of walking in. Today: bike ride to the kitty pharmacy and yoga tonight. I asked my teacher about different teacher training programs, but she didn't know anything about the different kinds. I'm going to ask another teacher this weekend.

    Spring pollen, achoo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    CP, sorry about your ankle. :frown: I hope you get some relief soon and have a quick recovery!
    V, I hope you aren't trying to get sick again. It seems allergies are so bad right now everywhere.
    Mary, glad you liked my tag line. :smile: I washed the windows outside last week and I expected brown, even black on the paper towels, but it was green! Ew! Yeah, not liking the pollen.
    So I thought I was having allergy/sinus but turns out it probably is an infection of some sort. Still not feeling great today but I did get more sleep last night.
    My fingerprint rejections were the talk over the weekend wherever we went. I'm kind of getting sick of hearing about my bad prints. :tongue: Hopefully this will be over soon. Should find out in the morning.
    Cleaned for about 90 minutes this morning. I still have a lot more to do but I've run out of energy for the moment. I also need to get Alex to class.
    I really need to get my eating under control again. Thinking about counting again for a few days so I can see just how much I really am eating. I am wearing a pair of capris that I once told myself I'd never wear again unless I was pregnant and post baby. :grumble: I also really have to quit eating when I am stressed. It's not helping.
    DH forgot to take the candy again today, so I will be resisting. I think I need some cheerleading.
    Needing a pep talk (or rally) boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hey pebbs,
    FBI just called... she said she couldn't let us have one more sleepless night over this. My prints passed! Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! What a relief! Only took 10 sets of prints. :wink: Whoo-hoo! I feel about ten pounds lighter. Too bad it won't show in the clothes! One of the first things I thought of was :I feel like working out. LOL. But then I remembered that I am pretty sick today and it's really windy out. Rest today. Maybe do something tomorrow. Just had to share with you all.
    The weight of the world has lifted!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Thank God, MM! I was beginning to think you might be a fingerprintless robot living among us. (I may be watching too many sci-fi movies lately).

    Also, my faith in the FBI is restored that they called you to alleviate your anxiety. That was a kindness.

    Got all my workouts in, despite sleeping almost the entire afternoon due to allergy meds. At least the medicine cleared up the sniffles, so I know it's allergies. If I get sick again, I may harm myself or others.:tongue: The new yoga teacher is nice, but not as good as the one she replaced. I like a touchy-feely, adjusty walk around-y teacher, and this was a demonstrating teacher. Le sigh.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Goals today:

    Go to an appointment downtown. Go to weights class at the gym this afternoon at 6. Grade exams at the coffee house for an hour, or ten exams, whichever comes first. (probably the hour). Shop to eat at home, and then eat at home (I'm trying once again to cool it on the take-out...and concentrate on mindful rather than impulsive choices.)

    Let that be enough. I might add in scrubbing the kitchen floor if I have time and energy.(note to self: if I ever get to decorate my own kitchen, do not put white tile down.)

    Also, my doctor's office called, and they want me to come in for another round of "non-urgent" bloodwork. Apparently, most of my bloodwork was "substantially normal", but one (undisclosed, grr) item was a little off of normal. I would really like it if this "slightly off normal" item would explain my sloooow weight loss or maintenance at a calorie deficit. I have to wait a couple of weeks, so my goal there is to not stress. If it was major, they would have wanted to see me right away, right?

    Hope you all have a productive, yet not crazed day!

    Let some be enough, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Yeah for fingerprints!

    I don't see why they can't tell you, V. I got a copy of my blood work just for asking - maybe they can't say over the phone? Seems ridiculous.

    Today the plan is to do double yoga. I want to check out a teacher that does teacher training and see if I can put up with her. If not, I may go through a training in San Antonio.
    I just got an email from someone that needs an emergency sub. I'm not sure if the guy working on my house will be gone by then, so I guess I don't have to answer it. Feel bad for her though.

    I also really need to get the house cleaned today. It's filthy.

    Double yoga, boogaloo!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Yay, MM! Glad they finally caught you. :wink:

    I am going to try to go swimming, or pool running, or something tonight. My eating has been terrible this week, so I definitely need some cardio in my life. Dance class was OK last, but I could tell my ankle was still a bit sensitive. Sigh. We got to practice balancing a real sword, though, instead of just the plate! That was fun - until someone broke their plate.

    I've been making a little progress on cleaning up - mostly laundry, though. I still need to get rid of a lot of stuff.

    Itchy eyes, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi ladies,
    V, I would think if things were serious - even moderately serious - with your blood work they would have called you in. It may be something that needs some tweaking. Don't fret. Two weeks is a long time to wait though. Good patience builder. :wink: And the FBI people have been very apologetic and helpful through this whole thing. I got my last rejection letters today. I hope to get my acceptance letters tomorrow or Friday.
    Mary and CP, I will join you in the cleaning department. I am getting the basics done around the house but I need to dig a little deeper and get rid of the clutter. We use a lot of the same things everyday, but when we use something out of the ordinary it doesn't get put away. It gets put on a catch-all and just sits there for days. That's what we have a problem with.
    I am feeling better today. Still sick but not as much. Honestly I feel like this sickness worsened, especially yesterday, because of heaviness of heart. Since the fingerprints passed I feel revived (almost!) and lighter today.
    Still no work out and I'm not eating better yet. I need to have a plan. I don't have one. My only plan is to go walking/running Saturday morning. And to clean the house this afternoon. DH's birthday is on Saturday. We are going to a friend's house for dinner and possibly cake. And he forgot to take the darn Easter candy again! I may just have to throw it away.
    We've been asked to take care of a 13 year old and a 2 year old starting next Tuesday for 10 days. Oi. It would be good practice for me, but do I really want to do that? I need to try to give them an answer today or by tomorrow at the latest. They are sweet kids and I am not worried about them. I worry about how Alex and I will handle it. lol
    Alex is begging me to play car with him, so I'd better do that and then get cleaning. I have a lot to do before church tonight.
    I love relief boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! Congratulations MM! So glad your fingerprints finally passed. Yeah!!!:drinker:

    Went inactive at the Y for a while. I can activate again whenever I want, and I won't have to pay a new member fee. I will try it on my own for a while and see what happens.

    Went to the doctor today and told him about my "fatigue". He is actually my husband's doctor. Couldn't get a decent appointment with my own doctor until next month, and then I would have had to have gone to a different location to get bloodwork done. I'm canceling that appointment tomorrow. Anyway, my husband's doctor is awesome! We have already done complete bloodwork including all kinds of stuff I've been wondering about. I can't wait for the results to be in and see what he can do for me. He was very encouraging. I've wondered before if doctors who are women sometimes don't take the "I'm tired" complaint seriously enough because they are tired, too, and haven't been able to do anything about it. I go back in two weeks. I need to have enough energy to do the exercising that gives me energy. I know you all know exactly what I mean!

    Beautiful weather in Savannah, GA this week.

    New doctor, boogaloo!!

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Good to see you, Bobbie - hope you find your energy soon.

    Today and friend and I are going to my favorite state park: Enchanted Rock. It's a pink granite dome (kind of a salmon color, really - same stuff the Texas capitol is made out of). I like rocks, and I haven't been in a long time. Should be lots of fun. Get to wear the shoes! And the weather is going to be perfect - high of 72!

    Double yoga was great yesterday. The teacher I was trying out does a teacher training program. She's very nice, but I could see her getting on my nerves. She lacks certainty, and that would drive me bonkers if I was trying to get an answer from her.

    Rock walking, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    Bobbie, I'm glad you found a good doctor. Those are hard to come by nowadays. I hope you find out why you are fatigued soon. I'd like to go get checked out some time and find out why I am so tired. It will have to wait.
    How is everyone else? CP, how's your ankle? V, how are you feeling today? Mary, how was yoga yesterday?

    We had a bit of a rough evening. Alex threw up at dinner. The only other time he has done that was 2 years ago at Disney World before we knew he couldn't have wheat or dairy. )That is the one reason I never wanted to have kids. lol! But the baby bug won out.) He slept all night, and surprisingly I slept really well too. He's back to talking this morning, mostly telling me what time it is every minute the clock changes. Last evening during the sick hours he said, "Hey, I think the clock says it's 9:50." It never stops with him. lol So I hope we are in the clear.

    Jillian Michaels said something on BL that got me to thinking I should try to give this weight loss thing another try. :wink: She said "Two days a week eat low calorie, three days eat moderate calorie, and splurge a little on the weekend." I might be able to do that. I'm trying to figure out if "low calorie" would be 1200, or if really that's too low. Maybe 1300, then 1500, then 2000? Maybe the 1300 to 1500 isn't a big enough difference. Anyway it's something for me to think about. I really hate counting but I might give it a shot again until I get used to knowing how much food is how many calories.

    My goals this week (starting today since I am going to try to go to the store): log cals :noway: , less wheat and dairy intake, fewer sweets, and exercise. Saturday is a splurge day. Dinner at a friends and DH's birthday. Sunday we usually eat out so I will have to be careful that day. The other days will be easier I think.

    Sorry for the long posts lately. Been kind of chatty. Should receive my fingerprint acceptance letter today! We will get those stamped by the government and a few other papers stamped by the state and we'll be done with the paperwork! Yay!

    My novel for the day boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    Just got back from another soul-crushing staff meeting. The future of arts education lies with the bean counters, and I'm ready to just go teach literacy in the inner city...anywhere where I'm allowed to actually teach and make a difference. I'm not interested in having a businessman question my productivity. Blergh.

    Anyways, today is spin at 6. Other than that, it's frantic paper marking (get this, my grades were supposed to be done yesterday! Yep, they wrote the exam on Monday, and they were supposed to be graded...100 essay exams...by yesterday.) Not. going. to. happen.

    Keeping my spirits up despite the bs, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi again.
    I'm having a really bad day. Like really bad.
    We got an email from our agency director. M's grandmother, who has had nothing to do with M for at least the last 2 years, does not want us to adopt her. The judge gave her 30 days to become guardian or the adoption will go through. She's 75 years old and does not want to adopt M but does not want her to be adopted out either. The guy in Russia who is taking care of everything for us over there is going to the dept of education on Tuesday to push them for another child referral for us. I am not sure that he is confident about M coming home to us anymore. I am at a loss. I feel like I was expecting and just found out that the baby might not make it. Been there 3 times before. I didn't want to experience that feeling again. DH said he doesn't know if he wants to even try again if this falls through. We have had confirmation and promises made to us over and over again concerning M. I am trying to hang on to those.
    I am logging my food, and it's been all carbs and sugar. Oh well. Seems so...unimportant today.
    Sad that DH took chocolate to work today boogaloo. Kidding...sort of. Chocolate isn't even going to remedy this.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Rough day all around, huh? Add me to the club. The things I've been dreading at work are looking more and more likely - and if so, it's the sort of thing that makes me want to find some sort of crazy early retirement for myself. I love what I do, and I work really hard at doing it really well for the benefit of everybody I interact with. I don't want people who don't understand that messing with my life for forty-plus hours a week... It makes me think of good ol' Utah Phillips: "But if it's true that the only real life I had was the life of my brain, what sense does it make to hand that brain to someone for eight hours a day, for their particular use, on the presumption that at the end of the day they will give it back in an unmutilated condition? Fat chance!"


    MM, I am so so sorry that just as you clear one hurdle another one gets put in your path. I hope that sanity prevails for your and M's sake. :heart:
    V, I am so right there with ya.
    Mary, I hope you had a great time. That reminds me of a park I really like in Missouri called Elephant Rocks - lots of big pink granite boulders that are great for climbing all over.
    Bobbie, nice to see you! I'm glad you found a good doctor. I like mine, but I think I need to find a new one just because she's not very available. I hate going to the doctor because I never feel like they actually help.

    And speaking of that, my appointment is tomorrow. I am beginning to lean back towards thinking it is tendinitis than a stress fracture.I was poking and prodding my ankle yesterday after my pool workout, and couldn't find a tender spot - then I stretched my calf for a minute because it seemed tight, and poked again - ouch! on the inside of my leg just above the ankle again. I managed a walk today and it was pretty much ok, but I felt some burning afterwards. So, we'll see.

    I am still exceptionally grateful for my husband and my family and my cats and my friends. All this work stuff is minor in the big picture, I know that. I just have to focus on the positive.

    Focus on the positive, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
This discussion has been closed.