2 pound gain!?

xdudeitsliz Posts: 38
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, So my weigh in day was yesterday and I did a stupid thing by stepping on this scale this morning to ensure I didn't gain, well it said I had gained almost two pounds? I know your weight can fluctuate and it probably did since I was under my calorie goal yesterday but I ate a ton more sugar than I normally do, would you say that the sugar would be the problem. my body is not used to it, so I ordered a 2 day fast that should be here thursday which will clean my system so I can start fresh. I felt so gross last night from all that sugar! thats a first for me being as I haven't had any kind of chocolate or candy.. esp cake like that in a long long time? Comments?? Opinions?? I'm just curious if this could be my problem!


  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    The weight fluctuation we see from day to day is water weight. Most of us can't eat enough to gain a pound a day let alone two pounds of actual fat. That requires an extra 7000 calories which is an awful lot of cake!

    What will put a pound or two no your scale is food/bulk in your gut system. Until you go to the bathroom to eliminate the bulk and waste from that food... Also, there's a good chance your food had a high sodium content which will cause your body to hold water which adds pounds.

    The swing, day to day, of a few pound isn't fat - it's just water and waste so weekly weight checks generally give you a much better idea of how much fat you are actually losing.

    Hope this helps!
  • I think I have the same today, ate lots of chocolate yesterday (its easter!) and its equalling a gain on the scale, but no fear, a few days of back to eating and exercising, plus lots of water to flush your system out, it will balance out by this time next week. They key is not to beat yourself up, you can have treats but you know how to counteract their consequences. :-)
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    It is common for your weight to fluctuate up to 5 pounds from day to day. 2 pounds is really nothing to worry about. Like mstahl said, it is probably the bulk that is still in you paired with some water-weight caused by sodium.
    Honestly, your body will have probably naturally cleansed itself by Thursday - that's why you have a liver and kidneys after all.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Okay, So my weigh in day was yesterday and I did a stupid thing by stepping on this scale this morning to ensure I didn't gain, well it said I had gained almost two pounds? I know your weight can fluctuate and it probably did since I was under my calorie goal yesterday but I ate a ton more sugar than I normally do, would you say that the sugar would be the problem. my body is not used to it, so I ordered a 2 day fast that should be here thursday which will clean my system so I can start fresh. I felt so gross last night from all that sugar! thats a first for me being as I haven't had any kind of chocolate or candy.. esp cake like that in a long long time? Comments?? Opinions?? I'm just curious if this could be my problem!

    It's water weight. You don't need a cleanse. You just need to eat better and drink lots of water and it will come off in a couple of days.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member

    It's water weight. You don't need a cleanse. You just need to eat better and drink lots of water and it will come off in a couple of days.

    Ditto...just eat whole, natural food and drink plenty of water.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey girl,
    I'm really not a fan of fasts/cleanse because they typically aren't the greatest for you, and from the ones I've seen they seem to be a gimick. So just be careful! :) Instead I would just eat healthy fresh foods, and drink lots of water. Also, I know you just recently said on our ChaLean Extreme board that you were starting the CE program. I can't remember if you said you have started it....but you might want to take a look at this article from Chalene's blog. It talks about how when you initially start a weight lifting program you gain a few pounds at first, and to not be alarmed.....check it out! Its a great and fascinating read!

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