Should you exercise when your burning from last workout

I just got out of bed and fell over, my thighs are like jelly, should I give it until tonight to hit gym?


  • just work on the upper body (back and arms)
  • Never work the same muscle group within 24 hours, you just end up over-training and could end up doing more harm than good. I speak from painful experience :sad:

    Try using Jefit for advice and workout routines, great way of logging your workouts, and its free!! Its a shame that it isn't synced with this website
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Once you get moving you will feel better. I now like the tight feeling (sometimes slightly sore) feeling in the morning. Different from injury type pain.

    I agree with above poster about not working same muscle group within 24 hours (probably should be more like 3 days) if the working out was lifting weights to failure. Muscle fibers take days to heal However, if only sore from cardio, I will do a different type of cardio within 24 hours.
  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    Jelly is good- crazy muscle pain is not- if your basic functional movement is limited because of your soreness I might take your rest day now to heal. Know your body and what it can handle- but don't wuss out just because you're sore, I second the above poster on what caused the soreness to begin with- and it may taking more than one day.

    Good luck! (and assuming your work outs to cause this were done safely- good job on that!)
  • michaelalouise3915
    michaelalouise3915 Posts: 124 Member
    Brilliant, thanks :)

    I'll concentrate on my abs (or lack of) then! Yes yesterday (well, 2am) was the first time ever using a barbell to squat, I can Definatley feel it!
  • anytime, enjoy the journey