Did something just 'click' ?

Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
I thought id post about something that im a firm believer of!
And that is, before you embark on your diet something just 'clicks' in your mind, and without that it does not work.

So im interested in what made you 'click' and how long have you stuck to your diet for?

The moment I clicked was when i reached the weight i promised I would never get back to, and now im the lowest weight ive been since i can remember.

Do you think something just has to click in your mind in order to succeed? :) x (posted from south wales, UK)


  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    That thing that Clicks, just out you in the right frame of mind! Mine was a photo i couldnt believe how fat I got! I used to have a pretty hot body, was never thin but suddenly i was really fat. sad and good day!
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    and realising i weighed more than 100kg! WTF
  • jenniferwren
    hiya, im' in the south of uk :p I don't know what it was but I ate sooo much over christmas and put another stone on my already morbidly obese self, having lost 5 stone on lighterlife and put it back on plus some a couple of years ago i want this to be the year i succeed, been watching a lot of that show 'Obese a Year to change my life' and it FINALLY clicked that I'm not going to drop it all in a week and am going to have to give myself a year minimum to shift the lard :smile:

    Also I'm celebrating every loss whereas previously if I didn't lose more than whatever I would really hate myself, so the big switch is that i'm celebrating 8 pounds lost in 5 weeks instead of bemoaning the fact that i have lost that in one week :smile:

    I keep picking up a can of beans and feeling the weight of it, just for interest I wanted something inthe kitchen cupboard that weighed around a pound and the can of beans does, if I stand there and really feel the weight of it, it's actually very heavy and I don't want to be carrying all the excess pounds, so.... one day at a time :smile: :smile:
  • speedw1875
    speedw1875 Posts: 12 Member
    My original "click" was when my dad went diabetic after countless warnings from his doctor. Watching him check his blood sugar then pouring a glass of wine really worries me. That month I started an informal plan that would help me lose 80lbs

    2 years later, I had a job change where I was off my feet and in my car most of the day and I started gaining pretty fast. After picking up 50 lbs back from the 80 I lost, I saw a 10 minute trainer infomercial of all things and I thought " This is what I want, I don't want to completely uproot my life and try to be a body builder, I just want some basic strength" So I bought it, I started back in November, I lost 10 lbs almost immediately and included MFP about 2 weeks later (I read an article in the Atlantic Monthly about on-line calorie counting sites). Now I'm nearly down 30 lbs, I have about 20 to go, but I'm in no rush. I feel like I'm on the right path, which seems to be the key to this whole thing. My next great challenge is learning to maintain a healthy weight once I reach my ideal weight. I think with the help of the people here, I might have a chance this time.

    Maybe if I'm lucky my success will help me win over my dad and many other people in my family, although I never bring it up. I know the "click:" and I know it has to come from within.

    Best of luck to everyone,

    You weight comes from your mind, your mind comes from your attitude, your attitude comes from your faith, ad your faith comes from within.

    Or something like that :)
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    we call it the "OH HELL NO" moment,
    For me it was a year ago last fall, after my father passed away. I was at the funeral and everything seemed fine. I got home and one of my nieces posted some pictures from the reception on facebook. I was looking through them and it hit me, "OH HELL NO" that is not me, I am not that big. Well i was that big. I knew i was big, had not been able to use a normal scale in a long time. Well I was over 370 without a doubt, I started losing some before joining MFP, It was not until I ordered the cattle sized scale at home that i was able to find out where my starting point was.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    It clicked for me back in May 2010 when I was eating at a Friendly's. I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, disgusted with how I look. I returned to the table where my food, a honey bbq supermelt with fries (A plate I later discovered to be well over 1,000 calories) and it clicked. It's because I ate like that on a regular basis that I looked this way. I bawled in the middle of the restaurant saying that I was fat and hideous and that if I didn't make a change I was gonna stay this way. Mom calmed me down and we talked about it more when I got home. I started the lifestyle change the next day and I haven't looked back since. :)
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I completely agree. Something(s) must happen before we can do this.

    For me it was a few things..

    I found out I was pre-diabetic.
    I suddenly found myself with blood pressure of 190/110!
    I had a small stroke in November.
    I got up Christmas Eve in 2011, got on the scale and weighed 179. I refused to hit 180. Ever
    A fat pic of me, and I wasn't even at my highest weight then.
    Those were all HUGE motivators!

    I was told by my family that the stress I was under was going to kill me. It really made me think about my life, my weight, happiness, etc. I pictured myself at my own funeral and the impact it would have on my family. I knew that only I could make so many changes, as I had no control over the 'stuff' that stressed me. I did what I could, then removed the toxic people in my life that made me miserable. It wasn't easy but it worked.
    I got up that Christmas Eve morning and after weighing myself, I knew I had to do SOMETHING. I started walkng and haven't looked back. I'll NEVER go back there.
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    I think that "click" happened before I realized it. For me over the holiday I wanted to stay in maintenance mode to prevent weight gain that comes with all the holiday goodies. Halfway into the holidays (around late December) I realized I was not drawn to the goodies and gravies and gravitated naturally toward salad and veggies and lean proteins. That is when I knew somewhere along the line it did click!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I really can't pinpoint one thing. I was tired all the time. I had poor self-esteem. I didn't love myself. I felt I couldn't get a 2nd job if i needed it because of my weight. It was just a lot of things compounding at one time. I've tried losing the weight several times in the past trying things from Atkins to diet pills and nothing stuck. This time around it has. I contribute a lot of that to finding the right exercise program. I'm ADD so just getting on a cardio machine is boring. I also felt I didn't get a good workout in large group exercise classes because of the size of them and that the instructor was up on a stage instead of walking around helping everyone. My gym offers a small group training class several times a week and it's similar to a bootcamp or crossfit class with circuit training doing all sorts of stuff with kettle bells, dumbbells, body weight, etc. Since there are several different circuits the instructors can pick from, we usually don't repeat during the week. And with 1-14 people in circle working, the instructor can give encouragement and correct form when needed. I think that's been the biggest contributing factor because I started seeing success almost immediately. As for food, the only thing I've completely cut out is soda. I also have cut down dramatically on eating out and now weight/measure everything and keep within a calorie budget. I don't deny myself anything per se. If I want cookies, as long as it fits, I'll have them. Granted, it may be one or two instead of 10, but the fact I'm not denying myself them, I won't binge on the 10+ later. I started this journey on Oct. 20th and have lost 29.2 lbs so far.

    Everyone else congrats on your success so far and keep up the good work.
  • Cyncham
    You all are so inspirational! I've started tons of times exercising & watching what I eat & for the first 2 weeks I do great. Then, on that 3rd week, I start getting slack & then by the 4th week, I'm done & back to how I was before-not exercising & getting reaquainted with my friend Little Debbie!! This has been a cycle for a few years now.

    So, here I am yet again, on the 3rd week! I'm really trying this time. I'm logging in to MFP daily & some days I still go over my calories but I'm determined to stick with it. A few weeks ago, I could only stay on the elliptical for 2 minutes & now I'm doing 30 minutes.

    So, thank you all for keeping me focused on my goal!! I love reading all of your stories!
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    For me it was hitting the 300 lbs mark. I was fine with the 2 at the start but that 3 was a wake up call! (yep it was ok to weigh 299 but not 300). I'm 5'10" and carry my weight fairly well, so the 2 never bothered me. I never had any self image problems and was fairly content at my old size. Now I look at pictures and think I was likely in denial LOL I'm loving the 1 I have at the beginning now! LOL
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    The part about the eliptical is amazing!! I get frustrated w/ my stamina. Your story is similar to mine (been successful one time out of 10 attempts) and I am setting lots of short term goals to keep me interested. Also, if I go over my calories right now, I'm not sweating it, b/c I want to get to the gym to be able to keep up w/ my 3yr old. Starting Couch to 5K next week!!! I will own that treadmill:) Keep on keepin' on.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I was getting close to 250 and having to up my pants size to a 20. In fact my clothes were getting tight so I started avoiding wearing jeans and only wore sweats around the house unless I had to go out. Kept throwing my back out and being sore all the time. My weight was increasing by about 5-10lbs a year. My mom called me up one day and said she was having a hard time walking from one side of the house to the other (she's been morbidly obese most of my life, takes pain meds for her back, and is now diabetic). I realized that if I continued on that pace, that I'd easily be her weight when I got to be her age and most likely have the same health risks. You're supposed to be your healthiest when you're in your twenties, and here I was already falling apart. My mind set gradually shifted, but the dedication this time, the "click", really came from MFP and being able to so easily count my calories. I really didn't think I'd keep with it or lose so much. My biggest goal starting was just to keep from gaining more weight and to refuse to buy the next biggest size up in clothes. MFP made it so easy to stay on track that the rest of my goals/motivations all sort of piled on after that decision.
  • lself0924
    lself0924 Posts: 113 Member
    Yes something clicked! It's been seven week plus and I haven't looked back and I haven't struggled. It's been forever since I've done something consistent for seven weeks, especially diets. Mine isn't a diet.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I was getting close to 250 and having to up my pants size to a 20. In fact my clothes were getting tight so I started avoiding wearing jeans and only wore sweats around the house unless I had to go out. Kept throwing my back out and being sore all the time. My weight was increasing by about 5-10lbs a year. My mom called me up one day and said she was having a hard time walking from one side of the house to the other (she's been morbidly obese most of my life, takes pain meds for her back, and is now diabetic). I realized that if I continued on that pace, that I'd easily be her weight when I got to be her age and most likely have the same health risks. You're supposed to be your healthiest when you're in your twenties, and here I was already falling apart. My mind set gradually shifted, but the dedication this time, the "click", really came from MFP and being able to so easily count my calories. I really didn't think I'd keep with it or lose so much. My biggest goal starting was just to keep from gaining more weight and to refuse to buy the next biggest size up in clothes. MFP made it so easy to stay on track that the rest of my goals/motivations all sort of piled on after that decision.

    I was the same way, gaining 5 - 10 lbs a year and doing nothing to change it. I never concerned myself with it but after years of that (I just turned 40 in Nov) it really added up. Glad you caught it sooner than I did and congrats of your progress! :flowerforyou:
  • megarooski
    Today has been my 'clicking' point. I have been overweight for a majority of my life. No where near as overweight as I am today, and to be honest I would gladly go back to being a size 12/13 like I was through most of high school. I could kick myself in the face for always putting myself down for not being perfect back then. However today I got on the scale and saw my usual 237 pounds and realized that something has to change. I have had many week long efforts to lose weight and then 'life' would happen and I would tell myself I can try again next week. But, that unhealthy mindset is what got me where I am today. Several weekends of eating my last meal before starting a new exercise/eating healthier regiment is what GOT me to this size. So, no more last minute binge eating, no more last meals, no more snacking because I am depressed and fat anyway. My life changes today, no ands ifs or buts.
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    Thats the same as me! I saw a picture of what 1 lbs of fat looks like (enough to have to hold with two hands!! )and everytime i loose 1 lb i think back to that!
    Any loss is a good loss! :)

    And thanks for the tip on the can of beans! Ive been trying to find something to compare my weight with! also, its better to loose 8 lbs over 5 weeks as you are less likely to pile it back on!
    Im on 12 lbs over 7 weeks so on same track really!
  • Carmella9
    Carmella9 Posts: 171 Member
    ha the 'oh hell know' is definatly a good way to put it!
    Your loss is fantastic! keep up the good work!!
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member
    I bought a smartphone. How's that for an odd "click"?

    I have a very nice Sole Ellipictical that both me and my wife use almost daily. She is in great shape but I either don't drop weight or I drop some and put it back on.

    When I got my phone I was just looking through the appstore and seeing what was free. I grabbed the MFP app for my phone because it had tons of 4 and 5 star reviews. I don't think I even ran it for the first week I had the phone.

    Then one day I opened it and looked at the food logging tool and saw the little button that looked like a bar code. I hit the button and the camera came on with a red line. A little light went on in my head and I realized "even I can scan everything I eat". And that was 6 weeks and 15 pounds ago.
  • raisingemilyjune
    when i was trying on wedding gowns (lots early, just wanted to get an idea of what looked good on my body type) and i felt HORRIBLE about myself.
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