

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    An HRM is designed for steady state where steady state is broadly between 90 and 150. So actually, it's as good as you are going to get.

    I am losing 2lb per week at the moment by tracking what I eat in terms of calories and doing HIIT (on treadmill, spinning class or cycling up and down big hills) which I measure using a Polar HRM. My overall fitness is improving massively as well. My resting heart rate is down 15 bpm, my post-exercise recovery (ie stopping exercise back to resting heart rate) is down from 15 mins to 10 mins and most importantly, I am faster than my darling husband on the last 2.5 mile uphill drag from our Sunday morning bike rides.

    Are condoms 100% effective? No. Does that mean they are not worth using to prevent nasty diseases and unwanted pregnancies? You probably still want to use them.

    I say if you want to lose weight/build up fitness, then doing HIIT with a decent HRM that involves a chest strap gives you a pretty good sporting chance of doing that.

    Condoms? Dafuq?

    Weird thing is I would congratulate you on losing weight but I guess it wasn't you, it was your hrm. That's odd tho, because I'm pretty sure you were the one doing the exercise and you were the one making responsible eating choices, not your hrm strap. Last I checked, those were the 2 requirements for losing weight and you did them. And did them well.

    Or maybe your hrm did them for you. I'm confused now. Tell your hrm is said NICE BURN!