Couch to 5k or C25K...which App?

I am a newer member on MFP, I got a new hip a year ago which feels great, I am 51 and I need to loose about 100 lbs. I got serious with my exercising after the holidays this year and I am currently doing Aquafit in the pool, climbing stairs in the office tower at work, and doing some lifting so that is starting to go well.

With that said, I signed up for the Warrior Dash in early September to give myself a goal, and I have dragged in about 6 friends to keep me honest. Being in September, I hope this gives me enough time to train on the running side of things. I haven't run for years due to the bad hip and I keep hearing abuot these Couch to 5K apps. So I search for them on the iPhone and there is about 25 of them.

Does anybody have any recomendations on which one is good? I don't always trust the reviews on the App Store, and I want one that will not push it too hard but still get me there without dying of boredom.


  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    I liked the Zen labs' app. It allows you to play your playlist or any other music apps while running.
  • andrea_v2h
    I use the C25K app:

    It's not free, but was definitely worth $2. It has just enough features to be useful but not overwhelming and the training plan is easy to follow. I like the voice cues and the fact that it will play my own music playlist. It also has a GPS feature, but I haven't used it since my running has all been indoors for now.

    I just finished week 5 yesterday and am loving it. You can repeat days or weeks as needed if you feel they are getting too advanced. So far I've felt like it's pushed me just hard enough. Yesterday I ran more than a mile straight for the first time ever in my life. And it was awesome. :smile:
  • dobenjam
    dobenjam Posts: 232 Member
    I used 5k Trainer. It was great! I am starting the 10K trainer this week and have my first actual 5k race in a month. It is gradual, and some days it may seem impossible to do (before you start running) but you will quickly realize that what you think you can do and what you can actually are very different.

    Any of the programs will work and I recommend sticking to it as much as possible. Don't go too fast (you will want to at times), and don't go too slow. I sometimes thought "I'll just repeat the last workout because this one looks too hard" but I decided to do the scheduled workout as best as possible and I was often surprised that I was able to do it, no problem.

    Best of luck!