hit plateau- other sources of complex carbs?

so I dropped 20 lbs during the winter but it slowed down right after New Years. I thought I should exercise more but then I was looking at my food intake & should cut down on breads, rice, and chips LOL. I only lost 4 lbs since New Years. What are other souces of complex carbs?
I do allot of cardio & think I've also hit plateau, Im not sure? I guess I should weight/ strength train more?
Help any suggestions would be great!


  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I guess I should weight/ strength train more?
    Help any suggestions would be great!

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I guess I should weight/ strength train more?
    Help any suggestions would be great!


  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Came here to tell you to strength train. See others have already told you. So do what they tell you.
  • Ferbabe
    Ferbabe Posts: 12 Member
    Totally strength train more! My trainer is constantly preaching-lift, lift, lift!
    Complex carbs...have you tried quinoa? Love the stuff.
    Any whole grain is great: lentils, quinoa, amaranth, brown or wild rice, barley, etc.
    Change up your excercise routine too, if you do running, try eliptical on level 10, or the stair stepper on level 5-6. Perhaps mix in some zumba or step, and definately lift!
    My trainer has a great blog with recipies and exercise and everything on there. http://jessicaskravers.blogspot.com/
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    lentils, quinoa, amaranth, brown or wild rice, barley- ok got it.......guess its time to face my fear of weights :embarassed: Im a total amateur when it comes to weight training but so was cardio 4 months ago :tongue:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    lentils, quinoa, amaranth, brown or wild rice, barley- ok got it.......guess its time to face my fear of weights :embarassed: Im a total amateur when it comes to weight training but so was cardio 4 months ago :tongue:
    Take your time, start low, work on your form..then add weight slowly. Free weights will benefit you more than machines.

    Check out stronglifts 5x5, New Rules of Lifting for Women, or any number of the beginning weight programs that are out there.

    ...and enjoy. Getting strong is a LOT of fun. :)
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Just don't hurt yourself lifting too much! It's ok to start with light weights (2-5lbs) and do more reps, especially if you're not used to lifting. Try 15 reps, 1 minute break, another 15 reps, 1 minute break, 20 reps. Then change into a different position/muscle group. For instance, start with bicep curls, then afterwards switch to triceps. Or start with leg pushes and leg lifts. Find a weight that is comfortable, and do more reps rather than heavy lifting. Alternate each day: biceps+triceps; legs; shoulders; chest; lunges etc.

    If you have to stop, then STOP! Don't injure yourself. Just do what you can, when you can! Remember: It Doesn't Get Easier, You Just Get Better!!

    haha, funny the person above said the same thing as me and posted at same time, lol.
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    oh sweeet loving all the help & suggestions! Turns out I have a weight set collecting dust from college in the basement. I just need new bars & start cooking low carb/ complex foods. This should be fun:happy: