CAn I lose the pouch that forms after 3 c-sections?

I'm a mom of 3 and I've had 3 csections. I'm 5 feet tall and am now 109.5 lbs. My goal is 105 and I STILL have the damn although its Much much smaller...."the pouch". I really want to lose it....and wear a bikini this summer. I think i deserve to feel good. Can any moms out there or anyone who may have knowledge on this subject have any info on this?


  • Sunlight2013
    and I mean naturally lose it. I don't want a tummy tuck
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    yep, i've had 2 an mine is almost gone. Its taken lots of work, but it's possible and i could like hold stuff under mine :sick:

    ETA: i'm 5'2 hit my highest at 204 when i had my son. I'm down to 150. with about 10 to go
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    You were probably have to do more strength and toning exercises to get rid of it. Some people do, some people don't, but I know I'm trying to get rid of mine along with my weight.

    Edit to add: Sometimes, being a Mom leaves us with reminders. Be proud! I got the pouch and stretch marks.
  • Sunlight2013
    My baby is also only 8 months maybe it will take longer? I don't know.....i've been working my ab muscles really intensely. I have the jillian michaels grooves on my abs....but only on the sides....the front is still a little pouch and it drives me up a wall because i've been working my *kitten* off literally for months
  • cathymarie75
    cathymarie75 Posts: 222 Member
    mine is 13 months and still working on it....has come down but still a ways to is that jillian michaels abs workout?
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    It has been the last to go for me. I'm 5'3" and about 111 or 112, depending on what day it is. I'm hoping it is gone by 108. For me, it is about cardio/ diet, and losing fat. I do ab and core work, and it makes me feel good, but the pouch is more about fat, even just a little on tiny, little you, than ab work. Keep at it! Sounds like you have made great progress. And yes, it just takes a while!
  • Sunlight2013
    Thanks everyone. I'll continue. My diet today is terrible!! :( I don't want to get discouraged! Jillian Michaels DVD is wonderful for abs....i have the 30 day shred but I've done it for so long that its becoming easy and ritual so I have been doing the "no more trouble zones"....I find it harder and it really targets the ab area by using circuit training....which burns fat and works abs at the same time. Its a great workout.
  • sgmomma
    sgmomma Posts: 299 Member
    yea you need to add cardio
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    yep, i've had 2 an mine is almost gone. Its taken lots of work, but it's possible and i could like hold stuff under mine :sick:

    ETA: i'm 5'2 hit my highest at 204 when i had my son. I'm down to 150. with about 10 to go

    What did you do? What did your diet consist of?
  • beets_yum
    Though you may not have a diastasis per se, this is good info for any woman who wants to loose the pooch.

    I have her books and the exercises definitely help. After you strengthen your transverse ab. you can go on to crunches, etc. But doing crunches right off the bat can make the pooch worse. I also have had success with yoga. You don't think of it as an ab workout, but if you are doing it properly it uses all the right muscles and really helps suck things in.

    I have also used some of these methods during and after my pregnancies. The Tupler Technique is pretty well known for getting your belly flat w/out surgery. I wish I could take her classes now...they help so much. But even doing the stuff from the book is definitely helpful. She has redesigned her site and I just looked at the Before and AFters--very dramatic. Wow.

    When I was taking classes there after my son was born, the teachers told us that lots of women make their pooches worse doing crunches. They were like, NEVER EVER EVER EVER POP UP INTO A FULL CRUNCH EVER AGAIN! DO NOT POP UP OUT OF BED--ROLL OVER ONTO YOUR SIDE! DON'T SNEEZE WITHOUT PULLING IN YOUR ABS! I don't know if I'd take it that far, but they insisted that even women w strong abs can throw open a diastasis (even if they never had it) just by doing the wrong kind of move. That sounds a little extreme but I have seen the results (on me and others) and I do believe the basic principle.

    Hope that helps!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    ive only had 1 csection but never really had the pooch, but i also had well defined abs before pregnancy at 34. I do have some fat over my abs from my love of beer that i can lose when i cut back.

    i'd suggest doing lots of cardio, ab work and planks, and avoiding alcohol and sugar and fake sugars