Wondering if my progress is reasonable

So I started counting calories again 5 weeks ago, and I've been pretty religious about it. I've come in at my goal almost every day, sometimes a little under my goal (and sometimes a little over). I've been working out, too - hiking some on the weekends, just finished 30 Day Shred, started Ripped in 30, and I do eat those calories back (most of them, anyway, not always all).

I weighed myself 10 days in, and found I'd lost 3 lbs. I weighed myself today, and the scale hasn't changed at all since then. Still the same number. I took my measurements, and found that I'd lost a few inches. Two inches off my underbust, an inch off my hips, half an inch off one arm. I'm happy for the progress, but I'm not sure if that's a reasonable amount of progress or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm 22, 5'2, and currently at just over 168 lbs. I've also been concerned that the birth control method I'm on (Implanon/Nexplanon) has been related to the increase in weight and trouble maintaining or losing weight since I got on it.

Any thoughts for me? Thanks.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    This is why the scale isn't the best way to measure progress. You are losing inches, which is fantastic. I don't care about my weight at all, I care about my actual circumference, LOL. You are doing a lot of exercise, so as long as you are fueling your body properly by eating enough, you are probably building muscle. Without knowing all of the details, it seems like you are doing this sensibly and seeing progress.

    When I started doing exercise more seriously when I was losing the weight, I dropped an entire pants size without losing an ounce. As long as my body was transforming, I was thrilled. Good job- you've lost inches which really is the end game!