I don't want to be "that girl".



  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    One way to avoid being "that girl" is to just accept that there will be days every once in a while that you'll go over your calories. It's really not a big deal -- many people have had great success while having a weekly "cheat meal" or even "cheat day."

    If you have a lifestyle in which you're going out to dinner or going to parties 5 days a week, then yes, you'll need to figure out a way to eat within your calories when eating out. But if this is a rare treat, just ENJOY IT. Eat well the rest of the week, get some exercise in, and when it comes time for your dinner out, just put some estimate into your log and have fun with your friends!
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    If you like that kind of food eat it! Just maybe not as much as you did last time. I don't talk about watching my weight unless someone asks about it. I work at a place where our office was voted one of the Healthiest Places to Work in the city so everyone here eats very healthy. But when I'm out with my family or friends I still have a drink (only one) and might split a desert with someone if they are up for it. But this is a liftstyle change for me not a deprivation of certain foods. Just don't go crazy - that's my motto!
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    Okay so I am that girl... I don't talk about calories or working out much anymore, although believe me, I did as I was loosing 59lbs. The few select friends I have now understand and are very supportive of my lifestyle and usually ask me where I want to go or if a certain place has foods on the menu I can eat. Those that don't get it, I opt not to go.

    When I go on vacation, they know I'm up before the rest of them getting a run or workout in and are okay with it. They poke and make fun of it in a jokingly manner... but are fully support it.

    Definitely agree to check the menus and suggest places you know you can have something there. Your friends will completely understand :)
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    Good for you for trying to be considerate of your friends. I know everyone says friends and family have to be supportive but it doesn't mean I have to bore the crap out of them with my issues, food related or not. If it comes up though... :)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    I love the hot pot style meals. The broth is delicious, the meats are lean and the vegies are fresh. No Sauce to calculate. One of the healthier ways to go for a meal. Especially if you don't add in any noodles. And like other posters have said, don't stress one meal. Watch your portions and have fun.
  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    When I know I'm going out an where I am going, I check out the menu online before hand, and kind of plan out what i will eat. then for that day since i have an aprrox count for what i will need that night, I plan the rest of the day around that. lighter lunch, exercise in the am, whatever it takes to make sure i dont go over.

    What I do too, but also take my plate, cut it in half, and only eat one half of what is on the plate too.
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    Hot pot is one of those things where you can choose what you actually eat. I doubt that eating some of the broth that had fatty stuff put into it on one day will affect your fitness in the long run.
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    Good for you for trying to be considerate of your friends. I know everyone says friends and family have to be supportive but it doesn't mean I have to bore the crap out of them with my issues, food related or not. If it comes up though... :)

    Yes, there is a BIG difference between being "that girl" who is so tediously dull and sucks the fun out of every situation by blathering on about calories and restrictions and limitations and exercise and doesn't seem to have an interesting non-calorie-related thought, and being someone who is acutely aware of what they want to eat and not eat, and that they want to fit in exercise even on vacation, but is still able to participate in non-calorie-related conversations and activities.

    It's one thing to ask the waiter about nutrition, or box up half your food to start, and friends/family should be supportive of this. But it's another to be so consumed with nutrition and calories as to be a boring and tedious dinner companion. In essence--do whatever you want to do, but just keep it to yourself!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I checked a few surces, and none of them mention all this fat in the broth.

    Here are a couple of ideas for you: http://www.healthydiningfinder.com/restaurant/littlsheep

    My experience is that people are less likely to notice what I am eating when we share like this.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Yeah... I came to the conclusion that I am that girl.. The "how many calories does it have?" girl, or the "do you know how much salt that has?!" But I have yet to become a hermit. What I have done is workout what is good to eat at certain places should I go out with my friends. If there a smaller portion meals available I will order that. My friends may give me that awkward side glance, but when they leave most their food and they are all full and bloated, I still have room for dessert!... Should I incorporate it into my meal. It's hard when you feel that your friends and family don't support you and you feel that you are on your own, but that should show them how dedicated you are and how serious you are about your health and they should admire you for that.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I have never been that girl, partially because I know well in advance that I am doing something so I just make it so that I eat light all day and work out and have a major surplus and then there is no "i can't have that because I don't have the calories"

    Maybe its just me but if you are that person I don't think this is truly a lifestyle change, life happens, extra calories happen, drinks happen and I am going to enjoy them all.
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Just do more cardio and screw it.