New here and need to lose for health reasons..

I suffered a heart attack (called widow maker) of which the Doctors said I was very VERY lucky for most that have this blockage do not live. One month later after an emergency stent was placed I ended up having Triple bypass, now I know my wight probably had some to do with it but it is also hereditary. For the past year I have been putting things off of which I know I shouldn't do but now am ready to make that step, I am ready to loose the weight and get healthy so I can enjoy my being with my husband, kids and now my grandson.

I have been on many diets before and losing some but I always end up gaining it back and then some, I am hoping with the support of MFP that it will be enough along with being determined to lose all this extra weight.


  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Very best of luck to you. The myfitnesspal community is very supportive and I hope you get the most out of it. Add me if you like. Having friends on the site whose successes you can see can be very motivating. I am not currently trying to lose weight, but I will be back at it after I have my baby!
  • xntricj
    HI, I just started yesterday - also new. I am a two-time breast cancer survivor. In 2008, second occurrence, I told myself I would change, but I haven't. I really have to take this seriously. I need to eat less meat; LOTS less sugar - my addiction; and lots more fruits and veggies. Would you like to check in with each other? I could use the accountability and support.
    Yesterday I tracked calories, and I was so hungry by suppertime, and I had had plenty to eat. I finally had to drink
    hot tea and that seemed to help with the hunger pangs. Let me know if you would like to "talk". I'd be glad to have the
    support, too. I'm sorry about your health issues, but I KNOW we can change this. We need to encourage each other.

    Thanks. Janice (Lincoln, NE)