Avoiding people's comments help?



  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    Who cares what they think? Why do they matter? They're insignificant. You're the only one that counts. If you feel good, then that's all that matters.
  • ShellysRoad
    ShellysRoad Posts: 95 Member
    Their staring is their insecurity/jealousy. Over the years, it has become my motivation when I get low. When I am at a point where I am feeling self conscious when I catch someone looking, it usually means that I have been lacking on keeping up my healthy lifestyle. Sometimes it means something as simple as reminding myself how hard I have worked and where I have come from is in order. If the opportunity is there and I don't want to spend the next week making up for it, I grab a candy bar or brownie and eat it in front of them doing my best to glow lol.
  • ShellysRoad
    ShellysRoad Posts: 95 Member
    I don't tell anyone anything- it's nobody's beeswax. Just give vague answers and people will have nothing to comment about- or you can always answer with questions, that shuts it down pretty quickly, too.

    "Why aren't you drinking?"
    either "I'm just not interested in drinking tonight"
    or "Why is it important to you that I drink?"

    "Why are you watching what you eat? Relax a little!"
    either "I'm comfortable with my choices"
    or "Does it make you feel uncomfortable that I'm making different choices than you?"


    I so wish I had been told these at some point many moons ago!!

    My favorite is, "Does it make you feel uncomfortable that I'm making different choices than you?" Oh yes, I will be using that one!
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    How do I avoid peoples comments or looking down on me for trying to get lean and toned? It makes me feel bad. It's not helping my motivation.

    Today I'm not a victim, and nobody is responsible for my choices but me; & likewise I can't be held responsible for anybody elses lifestyle choices. I can only share whats worked for me, and hope they decide to try something different.