Lost more than MFP projected. Am I burning muscle?

Instead of the projected 1lb per week I lost 4lbs last week. Did I likely burn muscle since everyone says more than 1-2lbs per week is not healthy? I'm trying to keep all the muscle I have not just get smaller.

5"2", 125 (was 129 last week)
measurements 35/26/36
body fat calculators put me around 25% BF
but calipers put me under 20 (I also am beginning to see ab definition, have very lean arms and lower leg, thighs and hips not so much)
workout= 3 days strength training, 2 days cardio, 2 days full rest

BMR is between 1293 and 1321 using the fat to fit calculator.

It says I should eat 1786 calories for lightly active.

Last week MFP had me set to 1200 net calories and I ate back my exercise calories coming close to around 1500 daily.

I changed to 1400 net calories today and intend to eat back my exercise calories which will come very close to 1786.

Am I doing this right? weight loss is cool but not at the expense of my muscle I'm working so hard to maintain.



  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Was last week your first week? A lot of water weight is lost in the first week.
  • renitawalker9
    Last week was my fourth week. week 1 I was 123 lbs. thought I needed to add weight to build muscle because I was skinny fat and flabby from lots of cardio and no strength training. So I attempted to gain a few lbs for 3 weeks. 1st 2 weeks no change, 3rd week gained 5lbs. and added an inch to hips and waist (hope it was muscle not fat). Then I read that losing body fat while maintaining muscle would likely be the best way to go so I switched to weight loss mode and lost the 4lbs last week. Really putting me back where I started weight wise, but I see so much more muscle definition now than I did at the same weight 4 weeks ago.

    I hope that confusion makes sense, because I really am a bit confused about the best way to lose fat and define the muscle I already have.