New to this! Any tips for success?

Hello everybody! I am also new to My Fitness Pal..I just downloaded the app and everything. Looking for friends to motivate me as well and vice-versa! If you have any tips for this program, that would be appreciated also. I'm excited and hope this program brings me success!


  • chocolate_barbell
    chocolate_barbell Posts: 19 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    Yes..a few tips: Don't stick to the 1200cal MFP gives you- This is generic for everyone, and does not work for everyone as it is too little calories to lose weight effectively. Check out this post:

    I didn't start losing weight steadily until I figured my TDEE -20-25%. Trust me, lowering calories may work for a short time, but the plateau will strike hard and fast.

    Go slow, and stay away from those fad diets such as 3 day diet, Hospital diet, hotdog diet, etc....- this is a lifestyle change. Eat well and stick to it- You can eat and still lose weight...and keep it off! :)

    Be positive! Pick a work-out or a few that you enjoy and stick to it!

    You can do it!!!! :)
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Doing well requires excruciating patience.

    When the results are not there, focus on the process.
  • skinnybunny_x
    Hello cuis,

    I'm going to disagree with the poster above. 1200 calories can be a good place to start. It is unrealistic to eat 1200 calories EVERY single day, so don't be disappointed with yourself if you go over. Calories are less important than the quality of your food.

    What works the best for me is eating mostly fruits and vegetables, followed by meat, and then wheat-free grains, and organic dairy. I have lost a ton of bloating with doing away with wheat. It might be something you should look into, as many people have a wheat intolerance and don't even know it. IF you do want to keep wheat in your diet, make sure it is non-GMO. Personally, I find it quite easy not to eat wheat as there are so many healthier grains such as quinoa, rice, and millet. Dairy should be organic to avoid hormones and antibiotics that can not only prevent your weight loss, but mess with your hormones and cause cancer.

    Be sure to eat pre and post work out to see the quickest results. Carbs before, protein after.

    Good luck!
  • abluesguy
    Get some friends on MFP, I think it helps me stay motivated. Log in every day, comment positively on other people's accomplishments, exercise and go for lots of high quality foods. Fruits, veggies, lean protein. And stay away from fad diets.

    Feel free to add me!
  • freemarylov
    freemarylov Posts: 4 Member
    To Skinnybunny,
    I am new here also and I like how you think. I am trying to stop with the wheat/gluten. Most people don't agree with how bad it is for us. I currently have a wheat belly lol and want to loose it!
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    Hmm lets see tips...
    Veggies veggies veggies
    Fruits Fruits
    Stay active and find workouts that fit you, that you like. I don't mean ones that do not cause a bit of discomfort, I mean the ones you enjoy even though they take you out of your comfort zone. Keep trying new things, change it up and mix it up so you don't get bored and don't plateau. Have fun with getting fit and challenge yourself. Cut out as much processed food as you can, especially things like white sugar. I stay between 1200 calories and 1700 calories which my maintenance for my goal weight will be (when I get there) a bit over 1800 cals. I would stay with 1200 firm if I were only trying to lose weight, but I am also trying to train myself what to eat and how often to eat when I do reach goal weight because I want a lifestyle change, not just a diet. Because I cycle my calories, I do not eat calories back usually. I am burning anywhere from 800 - 1200 cals a day at this time. BUT I will constantly be re-evaluating my progress and changing as needed and if needed.

    Be patient with yourself but also push yourself. Realize you are becoming the best version of you.
  • skinnybunny_x
    marylov, I find it way easier to stay gluten free when if I do the majority of my shopping at health food stores. Out of site, out of mind. There are also many online grocery vendors, PM me if you want the link to the one I currently use. They have the cheapest prices and best selection of gluten free foods. (I don't want to sound like I'm promoting any website, otherwise I would post here!)
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Buy a digital scale from amazon ( I got mine for like $15). It doesn't take a lot of time to weigh your food and then it is accurate. Log EVERYTHING you eat. After all, it's calories in vs. calories out so you want to make sure you have good numbers to work with. Good luck!
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    Yes..a few tips: Don't stick to the 1200cal MFP gives you- This is generic for everyone, and does not work for everyone as it is too little calories to lose weight effectively. Check out this post:

    I didn't start losing weight steadily until I figured my TDEE -20-25%. Trust me, lowering calories may work for a short time, but the plateau will strike hard and fast.

    Go slow, and stay away from those fad diets such as 3 day diet, Hospital diet, hotdog diet, etc....- this is a lifestyle change. Eat well and stick to it- You can eat and still lose weight...and keep it off! :)

    Be positive! Pick a work-out or a few that you enjoy and stick to it!

    You can do it!!!! :)

    In a word, this ^^^^^^ Oh. And log everything you eat. Good, bad and ugly.
  • Jane_1705
    Jane_1705 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi there. Don't rely on the scales to measure your forthcoming success, take your measurements and recheck monthly.
    Good luck
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Focus on your health rather than your weight.

    It's a lifestyle, not a diet.

    Log everything.
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome! Only advise is be patient.
  • lizzardsm
    lizzardsm Posts: 271 Member
    Hello and welcome! :)

    Yes..a few tips: Don't stick to the 1200cal MFP gives you- This is generic for everyone, and does not work for everyone as it is too little calories to lose weight effectively. Check out this post:

    I didn't start losing weight steadily until I figured my TDEE -20-25%. Trust me, lowering calories may work for a short time, but the plateau will strike hard and fast.

    Go slow, and stay away from those fad diets such as 3 day diet, Hospital diet, hotdog diet, etc....- this is a lifestyle change. Eat well and stick to it- You can eat and still lose weight...and keep it off! :)

    Be positive! Pick a work-out or a few that you enjoy and stick to it!

    You can do it!!!! :)

    In a word, this ^^^^^^ Oh. And log everything you eat. Good, bad and ugly.


    And I also second buying a digital scale weigh allllll your food.

    Also join the Eat, Train, Progress group!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Couple of pointers...

    1.) take the time to research BMR and eat between those numbers for safe and healthy weight loss. Never net below your BMR; this is where many go wrong with the 1,200 calorie may or may not be below your BMR...again, never net below your BMR.

    2.) Have realistic and healthy weight loss is very slow (.5 - 2 Lbs per week depending on your starting point). Here's a general guide.

    10Lbs or less - 1/2 Lb per week loss goal
    10-20 Lbs - 1 Lb per week loss goal
    20-50 Lbs - 1.5 Lb per week loss goal
    50+ - 2 Lbs per week loss goal

    NEVER net below your BMR unless you are under the close supervision of a medical professional during this process...just thought I'd say that again.

    3.) Realize the weight loss isn't linear. If you are set up for 1 Lb per week loss, you're not going to linearly lose .15 Lbs per doesn't work that way. Also, with slow weight loss, you may not see losses every week due to the body has natural weight fluctuations attributable to water retention/release...timing of food intake and waste removal, etc. I can easily fluctuate 2-3 Lbs per day...sometimes more if I've changed my workout routine or had a really high sodium day.

    4.) Don't kill yourself working out. MFP already establishes a deficit in your diet for weight loss. Workout for fitness and if you're using the MFP method, eat back exercise calories burned (about 80% of them to account for BMR burn and estimation error). Best estimate of calories burned during an aerobic activity is a heart rate monitor. Too many people over do it with exercise and can't properly fuel that activity.

    5.) Focus on the change and you'll ultimately see the results; when you focus on the results, you rarely see the change.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    some excellent tips here and links