Exercise, Periods, and BC *girl talk*

*Sorry gentleman in advance*

Ok, so I know that you can often lose your period when you exercise vigorously, especially after leading a very sedentary lifestyle for so long, but has anyone ever had the opposite happen? I've been on BC (Yaz) for over three years now with absolutely no breakthrough bleeding, and now, after execising vigorously ( 4 x a week for at least 60 min.) i got my period nearly 2 weeks early. Just curious if this has happened to anyone else?


  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I had something similar happen in January. I've been on Depo for over 2 years with no bleeding at all. In January the company I worked for opened a new location. I went out to the new location to help get them going for the first 2 weeks. My normal days consist of sitting behind a desk for 8 hours. While I was out there I was working 14 hour days and very active. I got my first period in 2 years and it lasted 3 weeks. It was a nightmare.
  • gurgi22
    gurgi22 Posts: 182 Member
    It happened to me the first few months that I began this lifestyle change but it has stopped. I really freaked out at first but my OB-GYN told me that my body was getting used to having the same amount of hormone in a smaller body.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I had something similar happen in January. I've been on Depo for over 2 years with no bleeding at all. In January the company I worked for opened a new location. I went out to the new location to help get them going for the first 2 weeks. My normal days consist of sitting behind a desk for 8 hours. While I was out there I was working 14 hour days and very active. I got my first period in 2 years and it lasted 3 weeks. It was a nightmare.

    Oh my goodness,you dont know how comforting it is to hear that. Ive been on the depo for 7 years and until jan I hadnt had any bleeding in the longest timel. I started exercising alot in Jan and I spotted constantly for 3 weeks until I got my next injection. I wondered whether it could be the exercise,but wasnt sure.
  • CrystalGuibeau
    I am so glad to read this too!
    I am on birth control (nuvaring) and am scheduled to the minute, never have spotted or otherwise. Now, after becoming active again and watching my food intake my cycle started over a week early! I'm going on 11 days of it now and ugh today is the day my 'scheduled' cycle starts.. i hope it doesn't last for a week longer! haha
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member

    So I called my doctor about this......I continued to bleed (lightly) for the next 2 weeks after I posted this. Turns out that the following can cause this to happen:
    2)Massive diet change
    3) Your body can naturally become accustomed to the hormone levels in the birth control, at which point the birth control may not completely stop breakthrough bleeding. BC is still effective to prevent pregnancy, it merely isn't strong enough to combat your own bodies hormone levels.

    My doctor said to wait a couple months for the dieting to stay consistent, and if the bleeding continues, to come in to try a different kind of BC. I may have to do that anyway b/c I just found out my YAZ will cost me $60 a month....UNBELIEVABLE! But I guess it's better than getting preggers!
  • 985Amanda
    985Amanda Posts: 6 Member
    I'm glad this is on here, as I was just going to post to ask the question too. After re-vamping my eating habits, and getting much more intense with my exercising (insanity), mine started six days early.....but it's not even a true period. Yesterday was my day to start for real, but it's still just the same as it has been for the past week. Not sure what's going on.

    I was getting really worried, because I take my BC on the hour every day (I'm crazy anal about it) so this has never happened before. Last month when I had just started changing everything, I had bad cramps, (again not normal) but everything else was the same.

    So, I am glad to hear others have had a similar experience, although I am going to see what happens the rest of this month, and then again next month, fingers crossed it goes back to normal. If not, I guess a trip to the doctor.