Runner and Pilates junkie looking for some MFP friends!


I am re-starting my fitnesspal use and would love to have some new friends to help motivate me and for me to motivate! I am looking to shed my last 10 pounds and its a struggle! I really enjoy encouraging and support others working towards a healthy lifestyle. I love to run (especially trail running) and do Pilates. I am currently doing Pilates instructor training and training for a half-marathon in June.


  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I am running a 20k in June:).
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    I'm a runner, I do more yoga than pilates, but I do like pilates (just haven't done it in a while).

    I've got my 1st half in april, then another one lined up in July.

    Feel free to add me.