Eating less calories but more often?

I've recently begun using MFP regularly; I experimented with it a little in the past, but now I'm here to stay. Today, walking to the dining hall, I noticed that I feel the need to eat more often when I used to never prioritize meals. It all adds up to less calories than before; I'm learning to curb my tendency to stress eat when I have a lot of work to do, which is often as I'm a full-time student (graduating senior, looking for jobs and applying to master's programs) and work about forty hours a week.

A very generous meal plan in an eat-all-you-want dining hall/multiple campus retail locations probably doesn't help.

I've never ate breakfast in my life, and I used to skip lunch most days, unless it was grabbing a box of to go stuff to eat at my desk during work, which last semester happened just about daily. Suddenly I'm getting up early to study over cereal or eggs and toast in the dining hall and remembering to either get something reasonably healthy for lunch or squeeze in a quick lunch in the dining hall. As a result, I'm not starving all day, which I suppose leads to making better choices at dinner.

Pretty cool, overall. Has anyone else noticed this happen?