SW 160 GW 130

I’d like to think I have a pretty good grasp on what I need to do to meet my goals, but I am really curious what other people that are of similar build/weight/ and have similar goals are doing.

I’m 33

I started at 178 lbs
I am currently 159

The first 20 lbs were not that hard - but since then I'm struggling, I know I could exercise more/harder, and have committed to doing so, starting yesterday! :)

And my goals are to be somewhere around 125-130.
I’d like to get down to around a size 6-8.

I’m going on vacation in mid-May – and REALLY would like to see some results before then.

Thanks, and feel free to add.


  • Andyrun
    Andyrun Posts: 6 Member
    Hi My name is Andy (Andrea) and I am in the same boat. Just found out I am going on vacation in june and have 14 weeks to loose 15 pounds. SW 140 GW125

    This past year was the worst as far as my weight I had never been over 135 in my life I just turned 27 and it really just came up on me . I have a desk job so I actually dont eat a lot of food... but i noticed my metabolism slowing and I have never been an excercise girl. I am thinking I will have to step my activity. I cut out pop completley (2nd day) : ) and Not eating fast food this week. Just trying to take baby steps! what have you been doing?
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    Hi My name is Andy (Andrea) and I am in the same boat. Just found out I am going on vacation in june and have 14 weeks to loose 15 pounds. SW 140 GW125

    This past year was the worst as far as my weight I had never been over 135 in my life I just turned 27 and it really just came up on me . I have a desk job so I actually dont eat a lot of food... but i noticed my metabolism slowing and I have never been an excercise girl. I am thinking I will have to step my activity. I cut out pop completley (2nd day) : ) and Not eating fast food this week. Just trying to take baby steps! what have you been doing?

    Andy - friend me if you'd like - my profile says a lot about my goals. I lost 20 lbs pretty easy but then got stuck. I am starting to work out at least 3 days a week doing HIIT and running. I'm eating a low carb diet and trying to eat every 2 hours. I just started (again) yesterday - I know I won't reach my final goal by vacation but I'd like to look and feel a lot better by then.