What do you do post-binge?

I know many people compensate for their bignes by eating less the next day. I try to just eat raw, clean foods the day after a late night inge. (Key word try, but lately ive been having late night snack attacks AND binges at least 4 to 5 days per week, over the past month or two). Thursday at 12 am, I woke up and consumed about 800 calories. Friday at 3am: 900 calories.

I've been reading Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth and trying to follow the bit about not eating unless sitting down and actually ENJOYING the food. The problem: I enjoy the food during the binge but afterwards, I hate myself. I creid in bed on Saturday morning over how much I had eaten.

SO my question is: What do you do after a binge to feel better and not do it again? What do you tell yourself? How do you let the binge affect your calorie count?

In answer to the last question, i've decided that I will not eat any food unless it has been portioned out. If it can't be measured or counted, for logging purposes on MFP, then I won't eat it. This extends to ANY foods that I can't log, i.e. if there is free food at work and I don't know where it came from, brand, calorie content, I really can't put the food in my diary so I might as well skip it.


  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    I don't do anything. I just quit over doing it. The day before is the day before. You can't do anything about those mistakes... the calories are consumed. All you can do is move forward and try to learn from your mistakes. If you don't learn from them you're doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    all i do is go hit the gym really hard and then completely forget about. no reason to freak out every time as long as its not a regular thing
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    all i do is go hit the gym really hard and then completely forget about. no reason to freak out every time as long as its not a regular thing

    That's the problem...it's become a regular thing. ANd I don't realize that the binge has happenned until I'm back in my bed. I don't even feel fullness cues anymore or get stomach aches. Its very mechanical.

    I do go to the gym to try to compensate, and I cut down on carbs throughout the rest of the day.
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you, as a previous binger, along time ago, have control most of the time now, not sure if it is because I am older, or if I just have committed to being healthy rather than skinny. First thing, I looked at your diary, and you actually have made a section for late night binges, Why would you do that, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Second, I see your supper is usually a protein drink, what time is your actual last meal of the day, and if it is just a shake, you are definately going to be hungry later. There is no rules to when you can eat, each day has 24 hours in it, so plan a healthy high protein snack before bed so you don't wake up so hungry. What are your goals?? lose or maintain? have yo
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I just start over the next day, as if nothing had happened. I may eat a little less if the binge upset my stomach, but I don't punish myself. The way I feel and the set back in weight loss is punishment enough. Well, I do try my best to log it and some might see that as punishment.

    What are you bingeing on? You might have a deficit in your diet.

    You seem to have a reasonable daily calorie goal that you are fairly consistent with, unless you are burning 1000+ a day in exercise, so I don't think it is actual hunger.

    One thing that can help me reset is to eat low carb for a week or so. This curbs my cravings and I can go back to my normal, somewhat limited carb diet, where I usually only have two grains and one or two fruits a day. Ignore that donut, it fits my calories, and I need extra carbs today for dance classes!
  • emmalousmom1
    emmalousmom1 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you, as a previous binger, along time ago, have control most of the time now, not sure if it is because I am older, or if I just have committed to being healthy rather than skinny. First thing, I looked at your diary, and you actually have made a section for late night binges, Why would you do that, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Second, I see your supper is usually a protein drink, what time is your actual last meal of the day, and if it is just a shake, you are definately going to be hungry later. There is no rules to when you can eat, each day has 24 hours in it, so plan a healthy high protein snack before bed so you don't wake up so hungry. What are your goals?? lose or maintain? have you gained at all with the binging? If you want to talk more you can add me:)
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I usually always just eat NORMALLY the following day. I never restrict after a binge day/week.

    LAST week, however, was particularly bad haha...SO, for the past 2 days I've been consuming a self-designed liquid diet containing sufficient calories/protein/carbs/fats, to simply give my poor poor digestive system a BREAK. I think I'll do it again tomorrow too, as I already feel a ton better and have more energy.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    I dont know if you can actually stop binging fully if you are so used to it??

    I dont binge often but when I do I make the most of it :/ I usually forget about it and hop back on the wagon the next day afterall that is all I can do.
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you, as a previous binger, along time ago, have control most of the time now, not sure if it is because I am older, or if I just have committed to being healthy rather than skinny. First thing, I looked at your diary, and you actually have made a section for late night binges, Why would you do that, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Second, I see your supper is usually a protein drink, what time is your actual last meal of the day, and if it is just a shake, you are definately going to be hungry later. There is no rules to when you can eat, each day has 24 hours in it, so plan a healthy high protein snack before bed so you don't wake up so hungry. What are your goals?? lose or maintain? have you gained at all with the binging? If you want to talk more you can add me:)

    I'm not ALLOWING for the late night binges, per-se, but I know that they happen so I have a section for them just in case. The late-night binge refers to anytime after midnight the night before (i.e. techinically really early morning, around 12 am - 5 am). On days that the binge is far out of control, like friday morning when I binged around 900 calories, I don't log. It's too stressful. on days i go to the gym, my dinner is a protein shake, and then may be leftover chicken and salad when i get home (hour and a half commute, since i rely on public transportation). Though many times I am so hungry when i get home that I end up eating much more. And I've been gaining about 1 lb per week over the past month.
  • DesertFox15
    DesertFox15 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow this post spoke to me as I binged last night and the night before after doing well for the past month or so. I felt like absolute **** this morning. Thus, I drank an entire gallon of water and started eating as I normally would. I felt like a failure, but I realize that I'm worth it and quitting is not an option. Good luck OP, feel free to FR me as we can deal with this together!
  • SeoulSilkie
    I used to have Binge Eating Disorder. I ate 2000 - 4000 calories within an 1 hr - 2 hr time frame (these calories did not include the food I had already eaten for the day.) I did this 3x-7x a week for about a year. Yes, I got some medical help.

    The point? Well, I took what I learned in therapy because I still find those tools applicable. If I overeat, I don't let that ruin my day or dictate how my next day will be. I let my body, my hunger cues, and my mind tell me what should happen next (it takes a lot of trust). I found out that severely restricting myself and being mean to myself only set myself up for failure in the future. Overeating does make me feel disappointed at times, and it's usually because it makes me feel sick. But in the grand scheme of things, it hasn't affected my weight loss regarding the big picture. Take it one day at a time... one meal at a time.

    Also, I don't make up a bunch of restrictive rules for myself anymore. Now to sound like a hypocrite, I have taken wheat mostly out of my diet because I usually get bloated or feel kinda sick. Does that mean I never eat it? Nope. I'm not going to tell myself that I can never have bread because that would drive me crazy. And there are days where I would really like a sandwich. :) I had to find some balance in how I ate. It's a compromise of personal choices/desires and what I can actually mentally and physically handle.

    By doing this, I don't binge anymore. Yes, sometimes I still overeat, but I don't binge.
  • JessWolf1002
    JessWolf1002 Posts: 82 Member
    Stop buying the foods that you binge on. I cannot have certain foods in my house because I will eat the entire package and regret it later on!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I just get back to my normal eating & exercise pattern. I try to focus more on preventing binges:

    I realized if I don't eat my exercise calories after a few days, I will binge. Its like my body just reaches a point that it is going to get the calories in massive amounts in any way it can.

    I eat six small meals a day to keep my metabolism, energy up, and stave off hunger.

    I keep a list of goals & anti-craving techniques available so I can refer to it. I keep a copy in my kitchen, one in my purse, one in my bedroom.

    You have to find a way to break the habit.
  • Pipil503
    Pipil503 Posts: 56 Member
    Lots of great advice here! What I have found to be helpful is to use one FULL cheat day. I will eat at clean for six of the 7 days and for one day I will eat WHATEVER I WANT Lol! They say it's best to do during the days you will be working out but I have a family with 3 kids and I ALWAYS enjoy doing it with them on Saturdays when we watch a movie. Trust me, it helps to look forward to eat more than thinking you should never be able to. Just be careful not to let it spill over to other days, the last weekend being a long weekend messed me up pretty good... turned to 3 cheat days. But it's nothing more than water weight that goes away in about 2-3 days. I workout 5-6 times a week so it disappears fast. Try incorporating just 1 day... see if it helps your willpower for 6 of the rest :)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672

    I've got a binging problem also, I'm on day 3 of no binging and found the above group. I'm hoping it will help hold me accountable and in the 50 days maybe make some new habits.

    As far as your question goes, I usually do about an hour on my elliptical to make up for the calories. I tell myself if I could just get my eating under control, I could probably stop doing cardio altogether. That should be motivation enough!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I have what could be considered a binge occasionally but it's like a birthday dinner, Thanksgiving dinner at Texas de Brazil. I normally don't log it though I believe I might have last time. I normally eat less the next day but just because I'm not as hungry. I eat "normally" the rest of the time for the most part but I do have the rare "fool your body day". It will be between 1500.1900 calories for the day instead of around 1200-1300. My exercise might go up a touch but it's not really planned. It takes a LOT of walking at 2 m.p.h. to make up for that much indulgence. I deserve it on rare occasions. I think everyone does so I'm NOT going to beat myself up for it. *HUGS* I have a catagory for snacks. Snacks usually consist of items that are between 100-200 calories. I don't need to be spiking my blood sugars. Good luck!
  • kellyivan
    kellyivan Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you need to be honest with yourself and say "why am I binge eating"? If the binge eating is because your stressed or emotional then dealing with those issues my be the best way to overcome your binge eating. Food for me is comforting so I will eat when I am stressed. I agree with the previous post, don't buy the foods you crave. If they are not available then you can't eat them. It's ok to enjoy these thing, but in moderation. I hope you find a solution, and I wish you much success in your weight loss and healthy life style!!
  • starvinkevin
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Hello, I would love to help you, as a previous binger, along time ago, have control most of the time now, not sure if it is because I am older, or if I just have committed to being healthy rather than skinny. First thing, I looked at your diary, and you actually have made a section for late night binges, Why would you do that, you are setting yourself up for defeat. Second, I see your supper is usually a protein drink, what time is your actual last meal of the day, and if it is just a shake, you are definately going to be hungry later. There is no rules to when you can eat, each day has 24 hours in it, so plan a healthy high protein snack before bed so you don't wake up so hungry. What are your goals?? lose or maintain? have you gained at all with the binging? If you want to talk more you can add me:)

    I'm not ALLOWING for the late night binges, per-se, but I know that they happen so I have a section for them just in case. The late-night binge refers to anytime after midnight the night before (i.e. techinically really early morning, around 12 am - 5 am). On days that the binge is far out of control, like friday morning when I binged around 900 calories, I don't log. It's too stressful. on days i go to the gym, my dinner is a protein shake, and then may be leftover chicken and salad when i get home (hour and a half commute, since i rely on public transportation). Though many times I am so hungry when i get home that I end up eating much more. And I've been gaining about 1 lb per week over the past month.

    Take more food to eat on the bus, or train or whatever public transportation is in your city.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Move on. I will usually blog it what was the emotional reasoning behind it. Then move on. Done is done.