dumbell weight for beginners

I am wondering how much should a dumbell weigh for beginners??? As i have never used dumbells before and now wants to start using for Jillian's 30days shred exercise for strength training.


  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    It depends on what exercise. You might only be able to curl 10s but do dumbbell squats with 50s.
  • lshea0414
    lshea0414 Posts: 6 Member
    For Jillian Michaels, I would start with no more than 5 pounds each if you are just starting. I actually used 3 pounds and then moved up for 5 when I was going her videos.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Start small and work up :) I started Jillians DVD with 3lb dumbbells, I now use 5lb ones and am ready to move on to the 8lb ones. It's all about what is comfortable to use while doing the dvd.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    for 30DS I alternated between 3 and 5 lbs and some moves I used 2.5 wrist weights with the 5lbs, but I think 3 is a good start, thats what they use on the video
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    If you're an absolute beginner, you should start with light handweights for 30 Day Shred. I have one set of 1kg weights, one set of 2kg and one set of 3kg (sorry, don't know the exact conversions to lbs but they're somewhere between 2.5 and 6.5).

    When I first started 30 Day Shred I used the lightest for every move. Over time I was able to use heavier weights for some of the moves, like dumbell rows.

    My recommendation is to start out light at first and then build up - 30 Day Shred is hard anyway for a beginner so you need to do something you can stick to!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Agree with what has been said. It's more important to get your form right at first with 30DS. Even if this means starting off holding tins of baked beans, start off small and assess how you are getting on.

    With 30DS I find I need different weights for different exercises, so be prepared to have a couple of different weights to hand.
  • ntatbeeq
    ntatbeeq Posts: 150 Member
    hey thanks alot everyone for your guidance and suggestions :)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    hey thanks alot everyone for your guidance and suggestions :)

    You're welcome - and gorgeous profile pic! :)
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I started with 3 but quickly moved up to 5. Now I use one of the 3 pound with one of the 5 pound together. It's awkward but it works!