Feeling gross

stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey guys! I hope everyone had a nice Easter/Passover! I know I did.
I went to my parent's house and there were lots of goodies. Easter is my favorite so I allowed myself some freedom and did not count yesterday. I ate lots of sweets and goodies I don't normally eat. This morning I felt fine, but as the morning wore on I got a headache, blurred vision and felt nauseous. I had to take a half sick day and leave early (I'm a teacher so I was lucky I was able to). I came home and slept for two hours and felt better. I think this is my body screaming at me. I normally eat very clean (80%) on a regular basis and eat sweets every once and a while.
Has anyone else ever had this problem? It was pretty extreme!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The bloated belly was enough for me. I didn't even eat that much for lunch but I had a massive piece of cake and 2 scoops of ice cream - I can't tell you the last time I had cake and ice cream - and my bf & I were both so full we didn't eat dinner. Not a good sign. Just keep on!! As you start back eating clean, you'll feel better. When I went off sugar, if I ate sugar, I would get dizzy and blurred vision ... just stop eating it and it'll go away. Scary and crappy but that is what CRAP does for you!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm with ya on that experience!

    Haven't eaten like that in a long while & could hardly stand myself this a.m. Glad you were able to take half day...

    I know it was the sugar, for me.

    And the Deviled Eggs, cherry pie, and buttery mashed...but mostly the sugar.

    Have you had your Blood Glucose (sugar) checked lately? Take Care...that stuff can be horrible.

    Get plenty of water today & a workout, if possible....be good to yourself.
  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    :flowerforyou: Yep, happened to me a couple of weekends ago. My husband and I decided to have a "fry day". We deep fried just about everything we had in the house, potatoes, onions, fish, cheese, twinkies, you name it if it was in the house we fried it! We ate as we were frying, but really not that much in the scheme of things, but the next day I felt AWFUL! :sick: Luckily it was Sunday so I just stayed in bed till after 2. Then I got up and drank a gallon of green tea and had a piece of sprouted grain toast and that was it all day! I really didn't feel back up to par until Monday.
    I agree with you, I think it was just my body saying "Whoa! What is this JUNK! I like the way we were eating before! STOP!". Now I didn't have lots of sweets, so you might have had a bit more of a blood sugar reaction than I did, but I definately think our bodies know the difference and like to be healthy!
    Hope you are feeling better, drink lots of water and eat healthy!
    Hugs! :flowerforyou:
  • ruby1025
    ruby1025 Posts: 7
    Not to scare you but did you ever get tested for diabetes Type 2? That is exactly how I feel when I eat sugar and don't take enough insulin to cover the carbs in what I ate. I get sleepy, sick to my stomach and my head KILLS! If this is the only time you felt sick, then probably it's nothing but overeating the sweets. But I wouldn't not want to say something. Hope you feel better now. Jen:yawn:
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Since your body breaks down the fructose in sugar the same way it breaks down alcohol, you might have just had a mild reaction to your body disposing of all that poison...;) Next time eat your fructose with fiber (ie eat whole fruit) and you'll feel much different...;)
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    So glad I'm not alone. I felt so terrible! This has never happened before. Next time I go to a doctor I'll be asking about this. I didn't mind coming home to a long nap, but I sure did mind the headache, ugh. I just couldn't help myself :tongue:
  • nakrya
    nakrya Posts: 191
    The bloated belly was enough for me. I didn't even eat that much for lunch but I had a massive piece of cake and 2 scoops of ice cream - I can't tell you the last time I had cake and ice cream - and my bf & I were both so full we didn't eat dinner. Not a good sign. Just keep on!! As you start back eating clean, you'll feel better. When I went off sugar, if I ate sugar, I would get dizzy and blurred vision ... just stop eating it and it'll go away. Scary and crappy but that is what CRAP does for you!!

    I ate a large bag of those damn mini eggs, not in one sitting, but nonetheless, finished a bag within a few hours. I felt so sick afterward and didn't even have dinner. Today I'm on track again and I can tell you, I don't want to go near anything that is sweet. So I guess that's a good thing!

    Just start fresh the next day and you will indeed feel better!
  • stang41992
    stang41992 Posts: 129 Member
    I definitely ate a bunch of those yesterday, and peeps, and jelly beans, and cake......
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I am right there with all of you! I am just glad to see that none of us, threw in the towel and we are all back on here today! In the past, one bad day like that would just throw me of course for good. Not this time. See, there is something to be proud of here!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    270 calorie, 16 g of fat- white chocolate bunny... I was just gonna eat his ears, then it was his face but it would have been cruel to leave him with out his head... :embarassed:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    270 calorie, 16 g of fat- white chocolate bunny... I was just gonna eat his ears, then it was his face but it would have been cruel to leave him with out his head... :embarassed:

    My son said just about the same thing....only one major problem, he's a diabetic!

    Long, long night for me....
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    Wow! Not that I'm happy you were all sick from what you ate, but, I felt the same way!! big time headache today and my stomach was so bloated from probably all the sodium I had (and the deviled eggs, chocolate, mashed tators, etc.) that I really felt like crap!!! I thought about getting on the scale just to see what a train wreck I really was but didn't do it. Sure didn't want to feel worse!! Looks like were were all good today and got back on track!!! I seriously do not want to do that again, isn't worth feeling like crap the next day!
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