Sick/comfort food requests

I can tell I am getting a cold/flu (too early to tell which), and want some great comfort food to keep me warm and fed. I will have to make it myself, so the less time on my feet the better. Thanks :)


  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    If you can't tell which it is, its a cold.
    Anywho mostly all I can stomach when I am sick is grated cheese and onion sandwiches and cheese dipped in mayo.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    A hearty vegetable soup is always good. Add chicken broth or vegetable broth to a sauce pan. Then put in as much or little of mixed frozen veggies. Add a couple handfuls of fresh spinach. You can put in some ditolini or any small noodle (optional). Season with salt and pepper to taste. Slow simmer till the noodles are done and the spinach is wilted. Enjoy by itself or with a grilled cheese sandwich. Enjoy and get feeling better.