Any Losers in Japan??

Hi there! I'm an American lady currently living in Northern Japan who is looking to lose some pounds. I'm looking for some friends who live/have lived/are interested in Japan. It can be pretty lonely being a chunky foreigner here! Plus, it would be great to talk to some people who can give some good tips on eating healthy and living healthy in Japan.

Thanks :bigsmile:


  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not in Japan but I'm in Korea, close enough? How you finding losing weight with all the rice and noodles?
    Friend me if you want
  • SaberXIII
    Unfortunately, I know little on the subject of eating or living healthily, but I must say I am interested in Japan. On top of that, I would like to teach English there once I finish university, which according to your bio is your profession. Thought I'd drop in and say hi.