Good Ideas for Happy Hour?

I am in my mid twenties my social life is a priority but I feel like Happy Hour food and drinks cause a big downfall in my diet. Any thoughts on what to eat or drink during social hour? Send friend request if you feel like you have the same dilemma! We can share ideas!


  • transamheiress
    i really like the skinny girl drinks. i dont know how many calories for sure, but i know the vodka isnt too bad mixed with a diet drink. I love drinking too much :P
  • transamheiress
    whatever you do, stay away from LIT. i love ordering them but they have 700 calories in them!
  • Bunnaliqua
    Bunnaliqua Posts: 17 Member
    - I'll sometimes do guacamole or salsa w veggies. They usually come with chips but if they have veg for other dishes they'll usually switch it up.
    - Seafood like mussels or oysters are good but usually come with big hunks of buttered white bread so I ask for them without bread so it's not tempting me.
    - some places do edemame beans, that's always a pleasant surprise

    - you could try a hard alcohol like vodka with soda water (NOT tonic as that has unnecessary calories) and a splash of lime ---> Here's the key: ask for it in a pint with easy ice. You're still sipping, it lasts longer

    - Finding other friends who have the same concerns and drinking with them might work well. What my girlfriends and I do now is we go over to each other's houses to drink and bring healthy snacks we've made like fruit, veg and my fave, low fat pilsbury crescent rolls made with veggie dogs dipped in mustard

    Hope that helps!