What Made You Really Start?



  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    I was too fat to ride a Segway through the San Diego Wild Animal park. There is a 250 lb weight limit for Segways, and my friend said, "Hey, maybe you can squeak by if you skip breakfast that morning?" I didn't have the heart to tell her that at the time, I weighed 267. There would be no squeaking by that one. I was mortified. :embarassed:

    As soon I got home from that trip, I Googled "Food diary" and found MFP. Began logging my food and exercise on March 5, 2012, and haven't missed a day since.

    I could now ride a Segway if I wanted to (as I am 225 right now), but the ironic thing is...I'd much rather enjoy walking around the exhibits rather than take the lazy way out! :bigsmile:
  • Having someone point out how fat I had got after having my baby, and saying that I used to look really hot. It made me feel awful and now I'm determined to be healthier. I'm also ashamed of how much bigger I look in photos and avoid having them!
    When my little boy is older I want there to be pictures of me and him in the photo album together. It wouldn't be a good example to say there's no photos of mummy because I felt fat and didn't change to make myself happier.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    My start, as far as working out goes, came from hanging out with friends from my college dorm. Our university had an AWESOME gym soley for the non-athletes, which meant you weren't going to be kicked out of the weight room or off of the running track by the sports teams (who had their own separate gym). Two of my friends played football in High School and they wanted to keep working out, so they invited me and a couple other friends along. That's where I got into weight lifting and running type workouts. Before that, I was usually just involved in programs, like Kendo and Judo, which were physical activities (I still say Judo was the best cardio workout I ever had), but not quite in the same vein as lifting and running.
  • My first motivator was a picture that someone took of me when my fiance and I were boating 2 summers ago... It was horrible, then of course I went to the doctor shortly after and he told me I was fat...yep he seriously told me I was fat. Then the final straw was when I attended the health fair at my work and they measured my body fat percentage which was almost in the pre-obese category. So I decided to make a change. I lost a good bit last year (12 pounds) then after a ton of snarky comments from friends and families and rumors flying around saying I was anorexic I stopped, but recently I've gotten back into because I realize this isn't to impress anyone else but myself.

    Weight loss is tough, even if you don't have much to lose.

    ETA: Being over-weight was a tough pill for me to swallow, throughout my entire life I had been severly underweight... I could eat anything and everything and not gain a pound. I graduated highschool weighing less than 100 pounds so it was a huge wake up call that less than 5 years later I had packed on around 30 pounds.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    I've gotten back into because I realize this isn't to impress anyone else but myself.

    Weight loss is tough, even if you don't have much to lose.

    this is the thing i follow. i am not doing this to get laid or a girlfriend but for my first love. basketball. i am doing this for me and to play basketball better. so far it has been a great relationship
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    i was drunk on new years eve and i said i was done feeling sorry for myself and hating everything about me so the next morning i started on this 2 year long journey of ups and downs.

    that is awsome

    for me, i have been going to the gym for the past 3-4 years, but 2-3 of those years my workouts were balanced out by me eating fast food 4 days a week and pizza three days. it was basically a mexican stand off.

    then last april i went to CA to see my niece graduate highschool and the picture we took as a family just sunk in.

    i joined here and starting logging everything and after about 2 months i cut out mcdonalds, burger king, wendys and arbys.

    THIS is awesome! I have definitely found that quick and easy eats will kill you... LOL I don't always pass by 'quick' but I'm working on it...
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    :drinker: You should be very proud of you!!!!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    For me it was totally an accident. I was walking one of the dogs, he chased a squirrel, and in that sprint after a squirrel, I realized I missed running. So I started again. Damn squirrel.
  • glassgallm
    glassgallm Posts: 276 Member
    A health check for the insurance company: I was in the overweight category and had high blood pressure. My grandfather died of a stroke and my mother battled high blood pressure. I was determined to not have to take medication if I didn't have to. An assessment at my health club said I had the body of a 64 year old woman and I was 56 at the time. I am a dive instructor and should be a role model for my students. It was time to make this a life style, not just another diet.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    The thing that finally allowed to me to focus on taking care of myself was getting a medication for depression that worked for me. Prior to that, I often had good intentions, but they fell into a ugly, scary vat of "Why bother?" after a day, or maybe just a meal.

    I will give myself some credit here too: I finally took the initiative to see a psychiatrist instead of merely my GP to get treatment. It's entirely possible that there is some serious placebo effect going on in that I was so ready to make a change that I believe that the new meds are god's gift to my nutty ol' brain. Either way though, stopping the old meds and starting new ones gave me the ambition, motivation and ENERGY to start using all the years of information and knowledge I'd acquired about living healthy. It's pretty effin awesome. :)
  • grdnr03
    grdnr03 Posts: 547 Member
    For some time I knew being overweight could not continue to go on, my feet were hurting, I would get out of breath easily, I could not tie my shoe laces without feeling my huge tummy in the way...I wanted to be healthier as I aged also.

    One sunny afternoon as I was sitting on my deck I decided to take a photo of my tummy area to see it through "those eyes" and yep it was not a pretty site!!

    My daughters were talking about MFP, so I said I'll try it, because something has to give!! and I love this app! all i've done is kept within my calorie intake and added exercise~the balance I had not found before~

    Congrats to all who have made the decision to be a healthier, happier person!!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I had alot of stress in my life marriage issues, car accident, father died, son was hurt not seriously but broke his leg. I started to run just primarly as a stress reliever with really no intention to loose weight and eat healthier but one thing led to another and about 50lbs later someone said to me are you loosing weight and sure enought I was. I still excercise for a stress reliever but for other reasons also. Doctors also wanted to put me on anti depressents ect ect. Just for the record im not bashing anyone for needed medications for what ever reason it just was not for me. Now I need no high cholestrol medication no High blood pressure medication no anti depressents and my marriage is doing well and so is my son.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I have always had a ton of reasons to lose, mostly appearance related. I tried EVERYTHING (seriously, everything) and never stuck with anything. Then in June 2012 I was tired of being tired and achey all the time. I am also 47 and have heard storys of people my age (and younger) having serious medical conditions. I have no medical issues, no medications, there is nothing wrong with me except my weight. I didn't want my weight to cause a medical condition that I could prevent. So I got a fitbit and started exercising and eating healthier. I have lost 25 since July so it's been slow but my life has really changed for the better.
  • MarshCat79
    MarshCat79 Posts: 14 Member
    I lived all my life in a suburb of Chicago where its cold or chilly 9 months of the year. In June of last year we moved to a suburb of Mobile, Alabama right on the gulf coast. Its HOT most of the year. For years, I fluctuated with my weight but never got really heavy until after I had my daughter. I weighed 217 for a year after giving birth. I finally got down to 185-190 and have stuck for about 3 years at that weight. I "wear weight well" so I was complacent. I could hide my big booty and thighs in jeans in Chicago most the time! I always made sure my makeup and my hair was perfect. Applying and curling every day, keeping up with the beauty routine but I didn't exercise. I felt beautiful all made up, wearing jeans and a cute top, always carrying a sweater to use for camouflage if needed. Then we moved to AL and bought a house with an inground pool. I had to wear bathing suits all the time and shorts. It was so hot and humid! We met friends who always want to go boating and to the beach. I can no longer "hide" behind my old staples. The makeup melts off my face. My hair gets flat and stringy in the humidity and water play and I have to wear shorts, tanks and bathing suits all the time! I realized I spent more time at the pool, on the boat, at the beach, arranging my towels and coverups to stay hidden than I did actually having fun! I was uncomfortable with showing myself in such revealing clothing nevermind I can no longer use the makeup and hair thing to feel beautiful. Last summer I felt like a whale. I would see a pic of myself in jeans and a shirt, all done up and then a pic the same weekend of myself in a bathing suit, not done up and think how can that be the same girl? So boom. Im tired of hiding, I'm tired of strategically placing towels, and my daughter in front of me in pics and Im tired of not fully PLAYING with my family because Im so self conscious. Ive always had a pear, hour glass figure and there is no hiding it anymore! Ive started cardio and weights and calorie counting and Ive never been this determined or stuck to something for more than a few weeks. I'm doing it this time and I feel great! I haven't lost much weight yet but the inches are showing and I know to stick it out. By this summer, I want to be confident, even without the face paint, hair and coverups!
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    i just started notice in pictures and in the mirror how fat id gotten... made me feel sick and ugly! so i thought f**k it! am gonna become a slim jim! ( Don't as where i got that phrase from...it just appeared in my head one day xD ) :laugh: :
  • MelyndaWaldner
    MelyndaWaldner Posts: 442 Member
    I played soccer when I was younger about 5-6 days a week. I never had to diet and I could eat whatever I wanted. Then about five years ago, I tore my ACL, and had to stop playing soccer. I didnt change my eating habits, and sunk into a depression to the point that I hated looking into a mirror and I avoided them like a plague. I just wanted to cry everytime I saw myself. I hated looking at myself in pictures. I have had major health complications from the cancer, which has stopped me from getting surgery for my torn ACL, but I decided I need to find something that I enjoy doing as much as playing soccer. So me and my brother's girlfriend decided this year we are going to sign up for a Sprint Triathlon, we signed up for three of them actually. So that got me movitated to start going to the gym and getting back to basics.

    I dont want to be skinny, I was never a skinny girl, I was meant to play sports not walk a runway, which I am fine with. I just want to be healthy.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I spent 6 months drinking and eating crap every day in Greece, got dumped by my boyfriend and realised that most of my clothes were too small for me. I was unhappy with my weight BEFORE Greece so you can imagine that after these things happened, I was miserable. I also had to wear a bikini every day around a bunch of skinny girls and it made me so depressed and horrible to be around - pretty much why I got dumped.

    So basically I moved to France where all the women are skinny and beautiful and realised I had to make changes to my lifestyle in order to love myself.
    6 months later and I am getting there, slowly but surely :)
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    During hurricane Sandy, I was sitting in my husband's grandmother's house watching my daughter play with her cousins. I caught sight of myself in a mirror, and sat staring for a while, thinking, "I used to be pretty. I used to be happy. Now I just want to lay down, go to sleep, and never wake up again." I was in the middle of a very severe bout of depression, and when the power came back on two weeks later and the episode passed, I decided it was time to do something about it. I was tired of being depressed, and I was tired of feeling ugly, and I knew getting in shape would help both of those problems.

    And (along with a new and powerful and effective antidepressant) it has. I feel pretty good about myself again, and my depression mostly stays away. :) Still have a ways to go on my weight loss journey - now that I see it really is possible, I'm thinking of changing my goal to 125 - but I already see how my life has improved.
  • dowesney
    dowesney Posts: 26 Member
    You all have such inspiring stories! Mine isn't so much. I've gained 20-25 pounds over the last 15 years and, while I still am within a normal weight and BMI (barely) and don't exactly look that overweight, I knew I didn't want to gain anymore and would like to lose what I had gained. Putting on a few pounds over Christmas (I have a weakness for Christmas candy) gave me extra motivation. I know as I head into my 40s the weight will be harder to lose, so I decided now was the time to do it while my metabolism is still somewhat cooperative. I am 5'2", started out at the beginning of the year at 139.7, am currently at 131.7, and hope to get to the 115-120 range by the end of the year.

    Oh... and also, I have an obese relative who is generally jealous and nasty towards me and I figure I will give her something to be truly jealous of (that is the motivation I use on days when I really don't care about the physical aspects of weight loss) . :)
  • Such good responses !
    For me, the deciding factor was when my boss called me lazy. I don't know why he called me that because I feel that I work harder than my colleagues but I was being called lazy. While trying to wrap my head around this, I concluded (perhaps erroneously?) that surely he must think I'm lazy because of my weight. Otherwise why not chastise the skinny people that play farmville all day? So I decided that either a) I have to lose weight to advance myself professionally or b) I have to lose weight so that I am not so insecure about it that I am making excuses for other failures in my life. I plan on spending fewer nights and weekends at work and more of that time exercising and preparing healthy foods, thank you very much!