Vegans In Distress

Hello Fellow Vegans,
I was hoping I could get some great suggestions on books, sites, or documentaries that could provide me with as much information on how to Be Vegan, Stay Vegan, and LOVE being Vegan. I need the push, I love this lifestyle but I find my friends and family sway me which has caused my body much harm. Any support wuld be greatly appreciated.
I wish you all the best.
xoxo SkinnieVeggie


  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    Documentaries: Vegucated and Forks Over Knives both give great motivation on going and staying vegan. Vegucated follows three people as they try out veganism for the first time, and what they go through making the switch is totally relatable.

    Websites: is the best source for nutrition information. is a website sponsored by the makers of Vega that has a wealth of information on plant-based nutrition and fitness. I've been a vegan for six years and I still get a lot out of the information there. sells awesome vegan clothes, books and accessories, and if you like them on Facebook you'll see the owners are really funny as well.

    I'm sure I could provide more resources, but I'm in a hurry. :p
    Add me as a friend if you want some support!
  • micneg01
    micneg01 Posts: 147 Member
    Books: The China Study and Super Immunity
    Video: download Forks Over Knives on and watch for free
    Google: Earthlings and watch for free
    Goggle: Vegucated and watch for free

    Good luck! There are a few vegan groups on here as well.
  • I'd love to know about the Vegan groups on this website :) how can I find out?
  • RunReadEat
    RunReadEat Posts: 37 Member
    Oh She Glows is a website with fantastic vegan recipes. Some great books include "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek and "Thrive" by Brendan Brazier, especially if you are a runner/athlete, or an aspiring runner.